The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith
The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith
| 15 December 2009 (USA)
The Book of Ruth: Journey of Faith Trailers

The Book of Ruth, is a triumphant love story in the face of adversity. This selfless journey of love and devotion is seen through the eyes of a young widow. Choosing to leave her homeland of Moab, she follows her mother-in-law Naomi to Israel after the death of her husband. Upon reaching Bethlehem, she meets and marries a man named Boaz, who is of the Royal House of Judah. This chain of seemingly unrelated events, sets the stage for the future kings of the nation of Israel, and the glorious coming of the Messiah. A Biblical Cinderella story from the archives of the royal Jewish bloodline, this story reveals the redemption of their inheritance through the child Obed, who was the grandfather of King David.

Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Lars-Toralf Storstrand Why can't Christians learn to take heed to the details?Why in the world would Naomi wear lipstick? And why would Ruth have French manicure? It doesn't matter how well told the story is, if details like these are overlooked. Naomi too had a non-historical coiffure (hairstyle).No. No. No.That is the easiest and best covering method I can use. There are of course something called poetic license, but when that license goes strictly against what the source says, something is clearly wrong. It is a lie.It is bearing false witness - and in conflict with the Word of God, as such, which in this case is the source of the history.
jericoduluth Just watched this movie and I had to comment on how poorly it was put together. The direction was horrible, the acting was sub par, and the editing and post production lacked any notable sign of skill or understanding of how to present a story. I could forgive a lot considering that this was obviously made on a very small budget, but the areas that need improvement are not constricted by money. Everyone in front of the camera needs to take a lot more acting classes. Yes, this is a slow moving and very boring Bible story, but that is no excuse for uninspired acting. The acting is not helped by one of the worst directing and editing jobs I have ever seen in a movie. The shots look like they were set up without thought for the plot or character development. The ridiculous editing further adds a layer of confusion, making it painful to watch. They need to go back to the drawing board with this one. Start over and this time think things out before you shoot.
mel-473 This is such a beautiful film... an honest film. It drove some powerful emotion from me seeing it through the eyes of a Mother and it offers so much to so many... incredible strength, true friendship, uncertainty, loyalty, love, and of course faith...Their tale of love in so many different forms, blood relation not relevant, hits the true definition of the word; no rules, unconditional, and undying.Accolades to the actors, for the truth in their craft was achieved, deriving emotion from their audience, well done! The cinematography, top notch, and set design, to take dreadful circumstance, making it appealing to the eye, a serious creative talent.
pepper_phantom The movie told of a journey of faith of two women. The love and faith they had for a God they could not see was warm. There were moments where things were questioned but, in the long run, their hearts still followed after God.To me, it was a journey of faith just to get the movie made from the first draft of the script down to the last clip of the film. The entire journey took much longer and much thought than most high dollar films and turned out better as well. Don't stand there mocking the "Ancient of Times" when you don't understand what you can read... hold in your hand.Fred Griffith was good in the role of Mahlon. Rebecca Holden could not have done a better job in the role of Beth unless she was Beth. Sherry Morris was excellent as Ruth... always giving... following without question, always in support of her mother-in-law Naomi. Eleese Lester was perfect for the role of Naomi... You found yourself crying with her as well as laughing. Dan Haggerty was on a grand scale as Simeon. Lana Wood was exceptional in her role as Tani. Then there is DJ Perry as Benjamin... (there was one scene that I wanted to knock him out) a very believable talent in that role. Carmen made Boaz come to life once again. Christopher Flores was a grand young David - future King of Isreal. Eli was played by Russ Stine. It was the second final role of his life, his first was that as family man and friend. Rest peacefully in the arms of God... you have well earned it.The entire cast did a class job in portraying the characters they were given. Even those I didn't mention. Job well done y'all...God bless y'all in everything you do...