The Blacksheep Affair
The Blacksheep Affair
| 31 October 1998 (USA)
The Blacksheep Affair Trailers

A patriotic Chinese cop is reposted to fictional East European country Lavernia as punishment for ignoring orders during a plane hijack operation. There he encounters his ex-girlfriend, who fled to Lavernia after Tiananmen Square. Their paths soon tangle with the charismatic but evil leader of the Japanese cult Aum Shinryuu

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
winner55 Ever since SONY/Columbia/Tristar/(Disney)(silent partner) decided to release the Jackie Chan canon, it's become more and more clear that 1) they want a monopoly on redistributing Asian films on secondary markets (e.g. DVD); 2) they have no intention of allowing these films to go before an American audience without alterations; 3) they want to confuse Americans concerning the nature of these films by giving them spurious titles (most obviously "legend of this" or "legend of that" - almost none of these films have the word "legend" in their original titles).Here's yet another example. This film is not and never claimed to be (in its original title) a sequel to the Jet Li film "Meltdown". Whereas "Meltdown" is really a very dark satire in the draping of an ultra-violent action film, the present film is a dramatic confrontation with a troubling event in Chinese history - the massacre in Tianemen Square; in fact it's the only Chinese film I can think of that explicitly addresses that terrible event; and the fact that the government allowed production of a film that admits the primary responsibility for the massacre was the government's - and that the government was mistaken - indicates that China has come a long way since Tianemen Square. But of course SONY/Columbia/Tristar/(Disney) doesn't think a film of this nature ought to be viewed with any sympathy, so they gave it a title and a promotion package sure to confuse - and disappoint- many American audiences.On its own merits, the film is really quite good; the dramatic moments are well-handled and neatly performed. The action sequences - choreographed by the great Ching Siu Tung - are fast, high-impact, innovative. And they help move the plot along, they're not just tossed in to make this an action film. The dialog is just so-so, but the actors are determined to raise it above mediocre, and accomplish this in several key moments. The direction is solidly professional and we are left knowing that we have witnessed both a dramatic film AND an action film.It's not the among China's best, but it is worthwhile entertainment on its own terms.Hopefully SONY/Columbia/Tristar/(Disney) will one day realize that people who come to a film made in Asia want to see a film made in Asia, and not a re-interpreted "legend". However, there's still the hope for an anti-trust suit to break their bank....
sarastro7 Another Meltdown was probably titled so as to capitalize on Jet Li's High Risk (1995), whose US video title was Meltdown. It has, however, nothing at all to do with Meltdown, other than being a Hong Kong produced martial arts action movie.Another Meltdown is nothing to write home about; in fact it is almost painful to sit through. It consists almost exclusively of clichés, is entirely predictable and is unintentionally funny from beginning to end. In a way, it is a typical action movie rental for a young male audience, harking back to the poorly made action movies so prevalent in the '80s.Man Cheuk Chiu, the guy in the lead, is actually not bad. He looks good, and he does have some pretty cool kung fu ability. Unfortunately, he doesn't get to show it much, and most of the action is rendered meaningless by the idiotic story (which takes place in a fictional former Soviet republic, "Lavernia"). Man Cheuk Chiu was very good in The Blade (though the movie itself was less good), and as the villain in Fong Sai Yuk. He needs some better roles, because he's a very cool type, who can perform some convincingly great kung fu.The movie as a whole is pretty much a waste of life, however, and I am generous when I give it a 3 out of 10 for the fight scenes and the acting skills of the leading man. And for being unintentionally comical. You want some good laughs with some friends who're already into bad action movies, this just might be the movie for you.
Bogey Man Allun Lam's The Blacksheep Affair (1998, Hong Kong) is a fast paced action pack set in some fictional East European country Lavernia. Man Cheuk Chiu's character Yim Dong, a policeman, is sent there as a punishment for his disobedience towards his authorities during the film's opening plane hijacking. In Lavernia, there's an evil Japanese Mishima (Hoi Lin) captured and his group has done some very severe damage to the people and he thinks he's on mission from God to "cure the world" by killing and so on. Qi Shu plays Dong's old love Chan Pun who also happens to be in Lavernia. What follows is action and brutality as the evil Japanese kill and kill innocent people and the good Chinese cop must fight them to death.The film is very annoying in its attitudes towards foreigners, Japanese mostly. They are depicted as evil and rotten killers that cannot be good or change. The screenplay is filled with lines like "those evil Japanese this and that.." and I really can't appreciate a film that has so incorrect attitudes and undertones for no any apparent reason or real importance. And that's not everything that's wrong with this film.Qi Shu's character, a young and attractive female, is depicted as total moron who can't do anything in a hot situation but scream hysterically and act as if she had no idea what's she screaming for and could she perhaps do something to it. This film suggests that females can't really do much and they are just useless pieces of flesh in a dangerous situation. All that seem to be good and capable for something noteworthy are of course the Chinese men and their police.The music is very bad in my opinion and even though it tries to make the goings on more dramatic, it fails and sounds almost naive. None of the characters become too interesting or close to the real person so their destinies don't touch and make me feel anything either. There's only one thing this film manages to do somewhat good and that is the action.The action choreography by the great Ching Siu Tung is not as near as kinetic and inventive as in his masterpieces (Chinese Ghost Story trilogy, various John Woo films plus many others) but his talent make the action scenes easy to watch and thus the whole film much easier to watch. The violence is surprisingly brutal and almost exploitive so there's plenty of evil acts committed by evil, uncharismatic and unreal characters in this film. Not too nice an experience for a lover of ambitious and unique Eastern cinema.The Blacksheep Affair is very close to the most boring and needless HK category and is worth watching only for the occasional action scenes and some inventive usage of camera. For most of the time, the twisted and moving camera angles and drives don't mean anything special, they're just there to make the film look more "stylish", but at least occasionally they manage to depict something, too. A good example is at least the scene in which Qi Shu's character escapes from the raging masses. Otherwise there's nothing special or memorable in this film, and thus it is among the least convincing pieces of the more recent Hong Kong cinema.3/10 and barely so.
soelin A little bit like Die Hard/Executive Action, only much better because it's Hong Kong produced. Great fight scenes. Especially in the end, kung fu/sword fight sequence was just unforgettable. A must see for Hong Kong action fans.