The Black Waters of Echo's Pond
The Black Waters of Echo's Pond
R | 09 April 2010 (USA)
The Black Waters of Echo's Pond Trailers

Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ken Cosentino (LittleSicily) I feel like all of the 1 star reviews for this film are people who get paid by big Hollywood Studios to suppress decent indie films and sweep them under the rug. This movie was awesome. The script was great, very well written and the characters were developed intelligently. The actors were great, the effects were great. The plot was great and the execution was great. The movie is not perfect but it's way better than 99% of the crap pumped out today. I'm very critical of horror, especially modern horror, and I THOROUGHLY enjoyed this film. It had some parts that were truly scary and it threw it back to old school horror more than a couple of times. Don't listen to the trolls, watch this one for yourself.
torstensonjohn A film that is a cross between fantasy/supernatural/horror/slasher, comes across with little to no real direction. The plot begins with an excavation site in the 1920's where a demonic game is found. The curators recreate said game and next we fast forward to today on an island in Maine. Like most of the typical slasher style films a group of friends come to the island for the week and you guessed it, find the game and play it. What comes next is insuing WTF chaos as the members of the group turn on one another and the slashing begins. The weapons utilized are interesting in their creative points. The acting is dreadful through the entire film. I actually only watched for Danielle Harris and Robert Patrick. The editing is shaky, direction is meaningless, the actors could have mailed in these awful performances. # out of 10 and THAT is pushng it
gavin6942 Nine friends take a holiday at a Victorian home on a private island and uncover a game that when played brings out the worst in each of them. Jealously, greed, hatred, lust, all of the things they keep buried deep inside themselves rise to the surface and come to a boil.Something went terribly wrong when making this movie. It was written and produced by Sean Clark, one of the greatest human beings in the horror community. It stars James Duval, Danielle Harris and Robert Patrick... that alone should sell it to fans. Even the effects and story are pretty decent.Despite this, something about it makes the film boring. Probably the directing, but it could be more than that. Duval in some scenes is great and in others makes no effort to act. Were not enough takes shot, or did he not have the heart? Almost as bad, the distributor (Anchor Bay) seemed to have no love for the film. Clark put together a nice package of extras (which he gives away for free) that Anchor Bay turned down. Why? A bad film is a bad film, but some features might have at least explained what happened.
delaG-Lisa It was one hell of a roller coaster ride! I really liked how each character's psyche unraveled after they played the game. So often in horror we watch killings take place but we never learn WHY. The psychological aspect of this film is what makes it original. I was also really fascinated how accusations and jealousy would spin out of control over seemingly innocuous incidents. For example, the character, Josh, is certain that Renee had an affair with Anton when she was in Anton's room, why? - because the door was locked. When Josh confronts Renee, she insists that the door was, in fact, jammed - not locked. He then interrogates her with the question, "Then why was it closed anyway?" How many times in relationships have we had arguments with our significant other over seemingly trivial events that spiral into an all-out fight? Perhaps, when this is actually what happens when people that we read about in the papers, people whom we never would have expected to have committed a homicide, the "buttons" that get pushed, the "hot-spots", and relationship taboos that come up as a "lover's quarrel" spins out of control - this is where the lines between and murder. even lurking below the surface of Josh and Renee's quarrel, is a bottomless pit of resentment - for example, all the while, swimming in the back of Josh's mind, is the repressed anger and envy that Renee's first boyfriend was his best friend Anton, whose room she came out of with a "guilty expression," at least that what Josh swears he saw on her face. These type of relationship tiffs lurk beneath the surface of every couple in the film.