The Bell Witch Haunting
The Bell Witch Haunting
| 05 November 2013 (USA)
The Bell Witch Haunting Trailers

The Robertson County Sheriff's Department has released footage found on the bodies of the Sawyer family's cell phones and video cameras. What was first thought to be a murder-suicide is now believed to be the return of a centuries-old demon responsible for America's most famous paranormal event.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VividSimon Simply Perfect
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Michael Ledo A family moves to Tennessee and buys a home that was on the land of the Bell witch. They set up cameras and you know the rest. This film is far worse than the Paranormal series. Perhaps the bright spot was cutie Catherine Alter who played a teen who had her own blog "Dressing with Dana." The teen son also had a camera as did Policeman Bungalon who had a shirt cam, the house was wired, and even the bonehead electrician had a cam, "Get Electric with Denny" (GED). All this added up to a bunch of herky-jerky motion of stuff we have seen before and better and just about yesterday. The house had a pool, I'm surprised they didn't steal the pool crawler too.Teens who can't get enough of the Paranormal hand held stuff might like this, but I found it boring, except for the playful ghost (that uses strings) to remove covers off of sleeping teen girls in bra and panties.Parental Guide: F-bomb. No sex. Topless girls by pool.
Leofwine_draca THE BELL WITCH HAUNTING is another cheap found footage horror flick based around a real-life haunting case in America. This was made by The Asylum, so at least they're taking a break from the usual rip-off movies they churn out. The film involves an ordinary family moving into a supposedly haunted home and subsequently finding themselves menaced, variously by possession, strange events, and bizarre behaviour. There are a few spooky scenes here and there, typically the ones which are more understated than most, although the whole thing is overwhelmingly familiar and passe at times. I did like the handling of the possession scenes which at least don't go down the usual all-out overacting route.
begob A family hold a birthday party for their son at their new house, and he uses the present of a camera to document the ensuing strange events. are they tied to a local legend?This has caught a lot of flack on IMDb, but I reckon it deserves a higher rating than 3.6. The pool party scene has annoyed some, but I thought it was fine, although the shaky cam was too much - if girls helicoptering their bikini tops is not for you, then stay away. If shaky cam grinds your gears, stick it out because it gradually settles down, and the last half hour (apart from the final scene) is on static surveillance cams.The problem is they threw the kitchen sink at it, so it's full of action and sound effects and lots of characters, instead of the eerie build up of little things exploding in a terrifying climax that we're used to from the early Paranormal Activity movies. And packing in so much action means the implausibility of people not running for their lives comes way before the audience feels escape is futile. Also there's deep sloppiness in the story's internal time line.There are a couple of scenes inserted to show off grandstanding effects (second forest death and exorcism), which carries on from the desire to capture the male teen audience in the pool party scene. Cut them out and you probably have an acceptable run time of 85 mins. Also, a useful scene is ruined by the hokey trick of tying strings to the four corners of a sheet to make it elevate.Couple of good jump scares, but some of the stuff to camera is too literal for this genre - suggestion is much more effective while building to the climax. And the ghostly whispering took me back to '70s haunted house productions.The acting is fine, apart from the sister. Too many characters early on, although they do get thinned out. And the discipline of the first person POV is lost in the final scene.Overall - tries too hard, takes on too much, misunderstands its audience. It may be a case of the technical guys setting up the visuals before really thinking about their story. Seen a couple of those recently.
trublu215 There's some found footage films that are great...then there's a good seventy percent that are down right awful. The Bell Witch Haunting is not only a terrible film but it is quite possibly one of the worst films I've ever seen. The acting is awful, the story makes absolutely no sense and the scares come and go without ever really developing a sense of dread or suspense. There is also a ambient stock sound that portrays the "demon" that sounds so fake and superficial. It's one thing to use a specific sound to implore anticipation to the audience but its a totally different ball game when it sounds cheap and lazy. It makes us feel like we are cheated. The ending never really builds up to much except for a complete gore fest that feels more like something out of a Jason Vorhees film, not a supernatural thriller. Bottom line, this film is cheap, lazy, ludicrous, and so poorly made that it makes The Room look like a modern cinematic masterpiece. Do yourself a favor, do NOT watch this. It is by far one of the worst films I've ever seen.