The Being
The Being
R | 18 November 1983 (USA)
The Being Trailers

Toxic waste dumping in a small Idaho town turns a young boy into horrible mutant monster. The town's police chief and a government scientist team up to stop the monster, which is quickly killing off the town's citizenry.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Aaron1375 I purchased this film when I was in my must purchase every horror film of the 80's mode. Granted, I still would like to do so, just gets expensive because you cannot just walk into your local retail store and purchase said item, but instead you have to order them online. This film looked interesting and it had a rather cool premise and so I got it. What did I get exactly? Well, a B horror film with a couple of stars of note and a radioactive monster! You also get an inconsistent monster, a plot point involving a mother whose son is missing that does not really get resolved and a climax that goes on for a tad too long. Still, while not a good film, it was entertaining in a way. Some good kills to be had, though they brought out one of the best ones first and it also has that B movie charm of being so bad it is kind of good in a way. Martin Landau is in the film too, and I have to wonder how the heck that convinced him to take this role. There are a couple of other actors and actresses of note in it, but no one you will probably know by name, but rather the type you recognize them from something else cheesy.The story has a radio DJ always commenting on the weather and how bad the rain is, but come to think of it, I do not recall actually seeing it rain in the film...Well, a dude is getting chased right out of the gate and he tries to escape only to get his head torn off! Others start dying and I am thinking this film is totally awesome! Then the film kind of slows down and it just is not as good as it seemed like it was going to be. A detective who has run in after run in with the monster tries to convince the ever skeptical mayor that there is a monster loose while his wife is kind of a nut job trying to rid her town of adult entertainment, or smut as it were. I really think they could have simply added more deaths if they felt the need to pad the film.The film is short and it is padded to make it as long as it got. As I said, they could have just done some more killing instead of adding the smut plot point or the strange dream sequence. Heck, they could have simply made the plot point with the old woman whose son went missing actually go somewhere instead of just kind of petering out. Literally, it looked like something was going to happen with the waitress at the woman's house and nothing ever came of it.So the film was a fun film to watch, but in the end it is a pretty bad film. Not completely horrid mind you as it was an enjoyable kind of bad. The premise was good and had they been able to keep up with the break neck pace of the first half hour it would of been an insanely more fun B movie treasure. Throw in a bit more nudity, some more kills and more kitty cats sneaking up on people! Seriously, that scene was really stupid as a cat startles the two leads as cats tend to do in these movies and they just life and hug each other and become good friends over a trivial thing. The detective really could not stand the guy earlier and it was not as if they really had that much time to bond or anything. So a great kill to kick it off, but its pace slows, but overall entertaining, but keep in mind in a bad way for the most part.
Coventry Okay, "The Being" is probably one of the absolute crappiest and cheesiest low-budget horror productions the 80's decade ever spawned (and that is saying a lot), but who can honestly bring him/herself to slamming it so harshly and even discourage other people to watch it? If nothing else, this film guarantees tremendous fun and it's never boring; not even for half a second. Surely the basic concept is unoriginal, the script is unimaginably incoherent and the acting performances rank among the absolute hammiest we have ever witnessed, but you could pretty much derive all that from one short peek at the DVD-cover, so don't come complaining afterwards! "The Being" is (unintentionally?) hilarious, with insane and totally irrelevant sub plots, unnecessary narrative voice-overs, stereotypical small-town USA rednecks, and grotesque splatter effects. The small town of Pottsville, Idaho (self-acclaimed potato capital of the world, mind you) has an unwelcome new arrival in the shape of a gooey & bloodthirsty mutated monster. He clearly likes cars, as he always hides in them, and he's undeniably the result of years of pollution even though the local scientist openly claims that it's safe to dump toxic waste in the water reservoirs. But Pottsville is dealing with more issues than just the slimy monster. The mayor's wife is on a sole mission to banish all pornography, the potato export business may under no circumstances get in danger, there's a lonely woman wandering around the streets without apparent motives, the deputy is too busy arresting Mexican immigrants who're fishing without a license and the local radio DJ blames all the missing person files on the tornadoes even though I didn't notice the slightest sign of bad whether. At one point, I was even suspecting the DJ to be the monster in disguise, because he seems to know who vanished before they're even reported as missing persons. In case cheesy gore and bad dialogs is what you crave, "The Being" certainly won't disappoint! We're already treated to a fabulous decapitation moment during the first five minutes, and there are several more delightfully gross massacres to enjoy throughout the rest of the film. Martin Landau receives top billing but his role is rather small. Good call, because he clearly wasn't very interested in the lines he had to speak and I suspect he just signed up because he had nothing better to do. Rexx Coltrane – his name makes him sound like a porn actor – is probably the most wooden actor I ever saw and his lack of talent particularly becomes transparent when he tries to convince the mayor something stinks in Pottsville. Honestly, feel free to watch this demented sick puppy in case you're looking for a couple of laughs and a handful of undemanding smut effects. Please do avoid if you have low tolerance for poorly scripted and inane 80's trash movies. "The Being" anonymously remained lying on a shelf for three years before it got released and the same director was also responsible for "Blood Diner" … How's that for bad omens? I guess the term "guilty pleasure" was invented exactly for movies like this.
Woodyanders There are certain stinky movies whose very fetid, noxious, nostril hair-curling putridness takes on a so-unbelievably-shoddy-it's-weirdly-sublime glow. This exceptionally awful atrocity is one such appealing abomination. The first surefire sign of superior shabbiness stems from the rambling and unfocused plodding'n'poky plot: a murderous one-eyed, flay-skinned, slime-dripping upright biped humanoid beast created by the illegal dumping of toxic waste (WARNING: Beware of heavy-handed subtext concerning the dire consequences beget by man's thoughtless disposal of hazardous radioactive chemicals) brutally slays the wholly deserving idiot inhabitants of the sleepy stick central hamlet of Pottsville, Idaho. A second testament to the picture's pathetic, yet oddly irresistible sub-par allure is the slumming and suitably embarrassed Hall of Shame Faded Name cast: a dour Martin Landau as a shady, spineless, untrustworthy scientist, a cranky Jose Ferror as the gloomy mayor, a highly annoying Ruth Buzzi as Hizzoner's nagging shrew wife, a haggard Dorothy Malone as the harried mother of a missing little boy (said tyke may just be the monster, but thanks to the murky script this particular plot point dangles unresolved throughout the film), the eternally goofy Murray "The Unknown Comic" Langston and saturnine country-and-western satirist Kinky Friedman as ill-fated local yokels, former porn filmmaker turned lousy thespian Bill Osco as the charmless good ol' boy sheriff, and Kenny Roger's hot babe "can't act for spit" wife Marianne Gordon as the constantly shrieking heroine. Toss in Jackie Kong's fumbling (mis)direction, witless attempts at broad humor (two stoner guys are attacked by the monster while watching a cheesy fright feature at a drive-in theater), fake-looking gore, dimly lit cinematography, across-the-board cruddy production values, a meandering pace, a hilariously hokey and unconvincing titular creature, and one of those always irritating "it ain't over yet!" sequel set-up non-endings. The net result of all these endearingly dreadful ingredients is a wonderfully wretched stiff of a highly entertaining Grade Z turkey.
mythago A film so bad, I'm not sure even MST3K could save it. Every time you think "This is the worst--it can't get any stupider than this," it does. I finally left at the cat-slaughtering scene.