The Beautiful Truth
The Beautiful Truth
| 14 November 2008 (USA)
The Beautiful Truth Trailers

A troubled 15-year-old boy attempting to cope with the recent death of his mother sets out to research Dr. Max Gerson's claims of a diet that can cure cancer as his first assignment for home-schooling in this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel (Avalanche, Dying to Have Known).

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
VWFringe If you are lucky enough to watch this film after reading any of these reviews, good for you. This film will expose you to a lot of Left-leaning prose, and a lot of scatter-shot facts about the controversy around the entangled business interests which have helped form our medical health system and practices, plus some other conspiracy theory stuff. If you like a good conspiracy theory you're gonna like this film. It's not trying to prove Gershon heals cancer, don't think of it like that. It's trying to build a logic cube in your head, let the facts flow in, then later start researching what you've heard, and don't stop when you find something you like, look for the other side too. After a while your mind can make new connections between the new information and what you're been taught. This stuff's too important to gloss over. It's important to learn new ways of thinking about things which incorporate more facts and more reality, and if you're only watching the narratives shown on TV, radio and news papers, you're not being exposed to the real controversies around our medical and pharmaceutical industries. Why would I want you to doubt the FDA is protecting you? because I found out about some of the controversy - it's not just one thing, and they're all important to know about. How else will we ever hope to demand our elected officials change it? Look for the Vanity Fair article called Dangerous Medicine. Some of the controversy is starting to be reported in mainstream media. Look to Democracy Now or the Huffington Post for more. Stick with it, get mad, don't withdraw from the hopelessness of it, stay mad, it helps with the petition signing you'll end up doing.
crunchykitten This film is blatant promotion of the rankest health quackery, an "alternative cancer therapy" that bilks hundreds of desperate people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars- then sends them home to drink carrot juice, squirt coffee up their bums, and die. This film was made to appeal to the least discriminating and most vulnerable members of society, in an attempt to get their money before they die and it's no longer in reach. The film offers no clinical evidence for the Gershon Therapy (there is none) and no credible science to support it. It's sad and scary and more than unfortunate- it's criminal. But it's not new. The same ridiculous garbage has been sold- at the highest possible prices- to a gullible public, under different names, for a long time.
nilent This well made documentary presents a perspective that will likely raise the ire of the medical establishment.On one level it's about the "Gerson Therapy"; but it's really about so much more than simply eating organic vegetables, you really have to see it for yourself. The last two minutes or so are very inspiring.If you're the type that believes what you're told and blindly follows the dictates of the "conventional wisdom" and the "proper authorities"; then run away from "A Beautiful Truth".On the other hand, if your mind is open and you have a concern about your health, the health of your family and friends, and of the biosphere in general; then this is a must see.From my perspective, the film goes a bit over the top in some of it's implications. It's not perfect and it doesn't have "all the answers" IMHO. But, I have to tell you that most of it "rings true".The POV of the young fellow at the center of the storyline brings the viewer back to an essential perspective throughout. It's a feature length documentary that flows as free and smoothly as any good movie. This is a life affirming documentary that has great production values, music, cinematography and just maybe.....might influence some people in ways that save or extend their lives.And that's a *good* thing!
nyland8 I had the good and timely fortune of catching this movie here in NYC just this Saturday, 11/15/08.A documentary, it follows the discoveries of one young man, Garret, in his exploration of the workings of the human body, of our allopathic "treat the symptom" medical orthodoxy, and of the vast chemical and pharmaceutical interests whose perverse incentives perpetuate our abhorrent "health care" (read "disease care") system. By innocently following a thread to its logical conclusion, young Garrett uncovers not only a simple and efficacious cure for disease, but also exposes the ugly truth about the medical and chemical industries that thrive at the expense of our well-being, and their complicity with the government agency allegedly charged with protecting the public.For anyone who has ever wondered why the FDA - the Food and Drug ADMINISTRATION - is not now, and will never be, called the FDQAD - or the Food and Drug Quality Assurance Department - this film can represent the beginning of wisdom.Don't get sick until you see it.