The Beatles Anthology
The Beatles Anthology
| 19 November 1995 (USA)
The Beatles Anthology Trailers

The Beatles Anthology documentary series was first broadcast in November 1995. The documentary used interviews with The Beatles and their associates to narrate the history of the band as seen through archival footage and performances. The initial volume of the album set was released in conjunction with the documentary in November 1995, with the subsequent two volumes released in 1996. The albums included unreleased performances and outtakes presented in roughly chronological order, along with two new songs based on demo tapes recorded by John Lennon after the group broke up. The book, released in 2000, paralleled the documentary in presenting the group's history through quotes from interviews.

Lawbolisted Powerful
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
njmollo While this 8-hour documentary could be called "authoritative" there is an uncomfortable revisionism that permeates the whole. Again it seems, ensuring the participation of Yoko Ono and compensating for her zealous desire to project a saintly image of John Lennon, has resulted in a serious lack of objectivity in this documentary. Paul McCartney, probably in defiance of Yoko Ono's controlling ways, has become equally controlling. So these two irreconcilable camps needed to find a middle ground that each could find acceptable and so the integrity and honesty of this documentary suffers.These collisions of ego forced the filmmakers to limit the scope of what should have been revelatory, uncompromising and above all, an honest film. By interviewing solely within the Beatles camp and not seeking alternate opinions from friends, family, witnesses and adversaries, it might have appeared "easier" to control the content of the message.This fundamental problem raises its head early in the series with the treatment of Pete Best, the first drummer in the band. He is not given the chance to tell his side of the story by way of interviews or archival footage. The "authoritative" view of his leaving the band is left unclear and shady. George Martin is more revealing and forthright by stating he simply was "not a good enough drummer" for their first recording session.The exclusion of family members and fellow musician testimony is detrimental. Is Cynthia Lennon no part of The Beatles story? Is Julian not part of The Beatles history? Would Mick Jagger be able to enlighten the audience about the working methods in the studio? Could Keith Richards reveal what recreational drugs they were experimented with? The bands consumption of hard drugs is handled with considerable caution. It is clear that these kids smoked "pot" almost as often as they lit a cigarette. It is also on record that John Lennon was seriously influenced and affected by his prodigious taking of hallucinogenic drugs. The effect of this on his character is left completely unexplored. His use of other hard drugs, such cocaine or heroin are never mentioned.The compelling character of Brian Epstein is also left unexplored. His homosexuality and influence on John Lennon is left untouched. Stuart Sutcliffe, another riveting character in The Beatles story, is sidelined early on and his premature death and its effect upon his friends is not mentioned.Much of the runtime of Anthology is taken up with playing complete Beatles songs with visual montages or promotional videos. This time would have been better used with exploring the creation of the music with detailed explanations from George Martin and other technicians present in the studio. The excellent "classic album" series formula could have been incorporated to study the individual albums in greater detail, as often these moments at the mixing desk are the most revelatory.Finally, after much delay, Yoko Ono enters the picture but rather than exploring her vandalising effect upon The Beatles as a unit, her appearances are smoothly edited to a minimum. The effect upon Paul McCartney at having to rehearse and sing to John Lennon while Yoko sat immovable at his side is not explored. Yoko's hard faced determination to be present at all rehearsals and recording sessions and Lennon's weakness at allowing such a situation to continue was without doubt the catalyst for the break up of the Beatles. This conclusion is barely mentioned. McCartney only refers to her presence in fleeting terms and it is evident that his comments are tailored to cause the least offence possible.George Martin's frustration with what The Beatles had become after Lennon's love life entered the studio is not broached. His comments about Yoko Ono walking into the control room and planting herself in his presence without even an introduction from Lennon and his remarks about her destructive influence on The Beatles recording procedure are omitted. His leaving the band during the recording of the "Let It Be/Get Back" album and the introduction of Phil Spector into the Lennon camp is also absent.The conditions of George Martin returning to produce Abby Road are left undefined but it is possible one important desire was too keep all disruptive elements out of the studio. The Abby Road recording is told to have been a very happy experience for all involved but any revelation about it's evolution and creation is absent.It is a shame that such an important and lengthy record of the Beatles phenomena is so compromised. What any Beatles fan should expect from the devotion of spending 8 hours of their lives in watching a Beatle documentary is unreserved truth and a little closure. If anybody can shed light on these extraordinary times it by those that lived through it.This documentary raises far more questions about the legacy of The Beatles than it answers.
Gunnar_Runar_Ingibjargarson Initially broadcast as a TV miniseries to go with the series of three Anthology double-CD albums, this set of eight documentary tapes has the heft and scope of one of Ken Burns's expansive projects. Still, unless you are either a historian or a truly committed fan, you'll find yourself with way more material--particularly about the Beatles' early lives as lads in Liverpool--than you'll want to watch. The documentary material is copious, including early performance films and tapes, at the point before they found their true voices. The actual Beatlemania years--beginning in 1963 and concluding in 1970--feature extensive performance films, as well as home movies and archival material. The best parts, of course, are the interviews with the Beatles themselves, who produced the entire thing. Along with reworking two previously unreleased John Lennon tracks as "new Beatles songs," the Anthology includes some unseen Lennon interview tapes so that his acerbic voice can be heard as well. This stands as a comprehensive document of that heady period, the second coming of rock & roll, as the Beatles took what Elvis had started and expanded upon it exponentially. The tapes give a solid sense of the historical context and the way these four musicians changed the world around them in the 1960s.
Tashtago I was watching parts 8 and 9 period covering Magical Mystery Tour to Hey Jude with my nine year old son and his friend. They both knew all the songs and said how much they liked them. During the I am the Walrus performance from Magical Mystery Tour they were really curious as to which Beatle was the walrus. Well we all know the Walrus was Paul so I told them. My point is these two kids love the Beatles just as I did when I was 9 and just as I do now. The magic lives on. The Beatles Anthology is probably the most comprehensive film or video bio ever released. It covers so much information and because so many songs are discussed we are reminded again of how great they really were. These DVD have some flaws , there is some camera trickery here or there that is intrusive, song and filmed performances are sometimes interrupted by commentary . For example Hey Jude is cut away from,and also some interviews. It is amazing how much footage there is of the Beatles. For a Beatles fan (and who isn't) this is essential viewing.
dbdumonteil Four DVD and it features all that made the Beatles the only historical force in the world of rock.It does not pass over in silence the less glorious moments (for example the Philippine episode or the doomed let it be sessions) .Some will complain because Lennon's comments had not the "Threetles"' hindsight ,but was there another way to deal with that? The fifth DVD is less interesting but it's a bonus so why complain?Its the equivalent of the Anthologies 1,2 and 3 released on CDs in 1995-6 All the important groups and solo artists should have an anthology like this one.It goes without saying that only the greatest ones deserve it!