The Beales of Grey Gardens
The Beales of Grey Gardens
NR | 21 July 2006 (USA)
The Beales of Grey Gardens Trailers

Mother and daughter - Big Edie and Little Edie Beale - live with six cats in a crumbling house in East Hampton. Little Edie, in her 50s, who wears scarves and bright colors, sings, mugs for the camera, and talks to Al and David Maysles, the filmmakers. Big Edie, in her 70s, recites poetry, comments on her daughter's behavior, and sings "If I Loved You" in fine voice. She talks in short sentences; her daughter in volumes. The film is episodic: friends visit, there's a small fire in the house, Little Edie goes to the shore and swims. She talks about the Catholic Church. She's ashamed that local authorities raided the house because of all the cats. She values being different.

Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
floquick2 David Maysles, the primary editor of the brilliantly edited "Grey Gardens" died in 1987 and was therefore not involved with this project.According to his brother and cameraman Albert (his interview is the only extra on the DVD), he and David filmed for about 6 weeks for several hours a day in the early autumn of 1973. Presumably, this film was culled from the best of what remained of that material.It's disjointed to the point of really just being a roughly assembled collection of outtakes. We see much more of the Marble Faun as well as quirky artist friend Lois who only appeared in the birthday party scenes in "Grey Gardens". Little Edie in particular comes across as both more rational as well as more flirtatious with the Maysles brothers, especially the younger David. And the extent to which the brothers engaged with and encouraged the Beales becomes much more obvious in these segments.Still, this is a must-see for fans of the Beales, if only for a view of all of Little Edie's amazing costumes of the day as well as her general philosophies of life. Little Edie was a true free-thinking early feminist, trapped by the circumstances of her time and social status, but I'm sure it would please her endlessly to know she has so many admirers more than a decade after her death.
Martin Teller Certainly the easiest way to put this is if you liked GREY GARDENS, you'll like this, and if you didn't, it's not going to change your mind. A pastiche of outtakes for those who love Edith and Edie, it's a mellower selection of clips which are all pretty captivating, thanks mostly to Edie's larger than life personality. I think I could listen to her talk and ramble on all day long. This is a less revealing and focused film than its predecessor, however... the scenes are shorter on average, focusing less on the odd family dynamic and history, and more on the amusing. Still, it's a treat for fans of the Beales.7/10
shakawtwf After watching the movie, I really don't understand what the point of it was. We're basically peeking into the lives of two reclusive women (who appear bipolar incidentally), related to Jackie O (which seems to be of more interest to the filmmakers than to us, if you didn't read the notes for the film, you wouldn't know that until halfway) and who live in squalor. Perhaps the dichotomy between their relations and their living conditions is the point but what is done with that? The women's conversations make references to people that we have no idea who they are, they ramble on, sometimes both at the same time, neither listening to the other, like two tape players running simultaneously.They just made a Broadway musical about this subject and I shake my head. I didn't hate the movie, I just don't really know what to make of it.
atomic_age57 While watching "The Beales of Grey Gardens" I was simply amazed at the amount of priceless footage that did not make it into the original film! Edie is truly a legend and icon of her time. It is not surprising that her style has been copied by numerous fashion designers; that woman definitely had a sense of style and it seems could make virtually any piece of clothing look good on her. If you are a fan of the original film, the new documentary is a MUST-SEE. Just when you thought you knew the two girls, along comes all the stuff you've never seen before, and you will fall in love with them all over again. The only down side is that at the end you will feel sorry that there will be no more antics of Big and Little Edith Beale to delight you for hours on end, but you be grateful for what we do have, and what these delightful characters provided us with.