The Barber Shop
The Barber Shop
| 28 July 1933 (USA)
The Barber Shop Trailers

An inept barber maintains his good-humored optimism in his small town shop despite having a hen-pecking harridan for a wife and a total lack of sartorial skill.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
John T. Ryan ONCE IN A LIFETIME, there is a short period of the most unusual, nearly unbelievable events occur. Call it coincidence or a Gift from God; but whatever there is no denying that something very extraordinary has happened. Such was the case at MACK SENNETT STUDIOS in 1932-33; when the four great W.C. Fields sound shorts were made.TO THE DELIGHT of the Depression Era Moviegoers, the Sennett Fun Factiry had filmed and released what was destined to be a blueprint for what would be the W.C. Fields character and storyline for the rest of his career. Be it at the Movies or on Radio, whatever the character's name was, it was Fields.OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY mentioned little masterpieces, our subject today, THE BARBER SHOP (Sennett/Paramount, 1933) was the last to reach the movie houses. Prior to this, we had been treated with THE DENTIST (19332), THE FATAL GLASS OF BEER (1933) and THE PHARMASIST ('33).THESE FOUR SOUND Shorts combined out-produced many a feature length comedy, by far. That they would make an excellent presentation at a revival movie house goes without saying. A number of years ago, we were privileged in attending such a showing. It was a the Wilmette Theatre in suburban Chicago, that a marathon of 'Old Time Comedy Movies' was the playbill for the night. One segment played these four and the old laugh meter was nearly worn out.AS FOR TODAY'S reviewed subject, THE BARBER SHOP, we can only say that it is that great W.C. Fields show; but with a little variation. He is once again a crusty, grumpy and largely misunderstood father. But this time he seems to have just a little more sympathetic treat from family; particularly from his one son, Ronald (Harry Watson). The son shares an affinity with his Pop for humorous riddles and recites many to please "the Old Man" at the supper table.AS IS THE case with all of the 3 other Sennett two reelers, Mr. Fields insured his characterization by being the writer of the original stories. (This is clearly evident with the Barber's name, Corneilus O'Hare.) Sennett veteran Gag Man and Director, Arthur Ripley, directed and , many of the old Keystone players are seen in supporting roles.
bkoganbing The Barbershop was the fourth and last Mack Sennett short subject that W.C. Fields did for Paramount. In this last one and in The Pharmacist he honed his henpecked character to perfection. As you gather by the title Fields is a barber and he lives above the shop with his wife Elsie Cavanna and son Harry Watson who is busy annoying dad with a lot of stupid riddles. It may have been in this film and in The Pharmacist that Fields developed his well known appetite for children. Remember he said he liked them if they were properly cooked.His moment of sunshine every day is shapely manicurist Dagmar Oakland who brightens his working day. But Fields is so under the thumb of his wife he dare not make a move. Still he can and does dream.My favorite gag is the very obese gentleman who went into the steam room Fields installed and came out like a third world starvation victim. If losing weight were only that simple.I do also like that two bull fiddles mate and have a nice litter of violins as a result. That's another great sight gag.In the end Fields does not get credit for an albeit accidental act of heroism. But it's all in a day for Fields whose characters just can't catch a break ever.
MartinHafer This is one of the oddest films I've seen of W. C. Fields because he seems to genuinely like his son! The young boy loves to tell really lame riddles and W. C. encourages him and acts pretty tenderly towards the kid (at least compared to the usual fare from this comedian). Children are either just tolerated or hated in his films. A good example was his famous line "Of course I love kids,....boiled". For whatever reason, this film is unusual in this respect.Now as for the film itself, this one is very similar to THE PHARMACIST in that it is a very slow slice of life short, though it does have more gags and a more "Fields-like" ending. Don't expect the craziness of Fields shorts like THE DENTIST or THE FATAL GLASS OF BEER, but this isn't a positive or negative thing--I like both styles of his work. Funny, well-paced and cute--this is an excellent Fields short.
Schlockmeister W. C. Fields had done a few silent shorts in the "teens" but it really did take sound to capture him at his best. He is not only a physical comedian, capable of broad slapstick, he is one of the best verbal comedians around, especially when allowed to ad-lib, as he does here. The story follows the adventures of barber Cornelius O'Hare through his extremely busy day. It has the look of a vaudeville routine, which no doubt it was based on. Fields' almost constant patter makes all his movies worth rewatching, just to catch his subtle remarks, often made under his breath and very quickly. I have read that, at the beginning of the short, as Fields is sitting out front of his shop, making rude comnents about people as they go by, that this is a tribute to his mother, who acted just like this as Fields was a boy, commenting cuttingly on the neighbors. If you like sardonic humor, Fields is the man for you. Recommended highly along with any of his other shorts as in these shorter films, much more is packed in and nothing is allowed to lag.
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