The Ascent
The Ascent
| 01 January 2010 (USA)
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Mountain guide, Emily Wilks, is forced to lead a group of men up the perilous Devil's Peak. But leading the group up Devil's Peak is just a stalling tactic until Emily reveals her own dark secret.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
TinsHeadline Touches You
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
minnie1984 I had the pleasure of watching THE ASCENT, a few weeks ago, and I really like this film.***This short review is on the official director's version of THE ASCENT. Not the version that has aired overseas, which I have also seen. And oh boy, like watching two different films in some parts. The additions that were made are just strange, and very poorly done. And that's being kind.Why I like (director's version) THE ASCENT? Story! This was a good story about a woman, a strong and tough woman, who goes on a sorrow-fueled revenge quest. And this, I do not remember ever seeing done before on screen. There's always some get outta jail free card where the woman, or man, cops out or changes their mind in the end, but not here.Emily Wilks does some pretty bad things to get what she wants, and there is a cost, and there is a price to be paid.I thought the cast was overall very good. I found the lead bad guy very creepy, and very desperate to get what he wants, making him very dangerous. No question I found a couple of the supporting characters a little thin, but this film was all on the shoulders of Josie Davis, playing Emily Wilks, and she was fantastic. It's her journey you're taken on. And where it goes you will not be able to guess.The actor who played the part of Thomas (William Duffy) was so great. And I totally remember him for THE WEST WING. Also, it was so great seeing Martin Kove (THE KARATE KID) playing a real good guy, and not the baddies he usually plays.In short, I found THE ASCENT a very well written, well directed, and well acted film... If you can find the director's version, check it out!
peterjohns2011 I saw "The Ascent" about 8 months ago, and I really loved it. It's nothing ground breaking, but it's got a real good story, and a real great twist at the end. And it's much weightier than I thought it would be.Now let me be very clear. This is not a review of "another version" of this film, floating around, which has aired on cable overseas. At the screening I attended (8 months ago in L.A.) it was titled (the director's cut) of "The Ascent.""The Ascent" centers around a very experienced mountain guide (Emily Wilks) on The Devil's Peak, (very cool name) a mountain somewhere in the U.S. The film never specifics where this story takes place, and I wish it had, but no biggie.Emily (as does the film) starts off in a very somber, and even retrospective way. This film, which I love, does not throw a lot of crap (action for the sake of action) at you in the first 30min. It takes its time and slowly builds the characters, and mystery, over the first act. And then when the crap hits the fan, boy yes it does.Now, don't get me wrong, this film does not have amazing (big budget) action sequences. But what it does have is a very good story, which I am finding very rare these days.The lead characters are fleshed out and very strong. The supporting characters are a bit thin, but I really didn't mind, as I was invested in Emily's story.Once the first twist hits, "The Ascent" has its share of nice action scenes, and a great dramatic/action scene with two characters hanging from the bottom of an overhang.At the end, I really enjoyed the great Ice Ax Fight, (I've never seen that before on screen) between Emily and Joel, the lead baddie.But I must say, I never saw the twist coming. Just Great! What a dark turn that completely changed everything that came before.I just really love this film, and wish there were more films made with this level of weight, of heart, of drama.Peter J.
sjc922 I recently had the opportunity of attending a screening of the new film, "The Ascent," by writer/director Steven Creazzo and producer Kerry Wallum. And I was pleasantly surprised.In some ways, the director was definitely trying to reach beyond the budget he appeared to have. Which was most likely less than 1M. In my opinion, the settings/locations were not entirely vast enough to tell the story they were telling. Such a dangerous mountain, with such a deadly history, should have been more dangerous looking than it was. I'm not sure where they shot this film, but it didn't appear to be very mountainous. Some of the terrain was really cool, and there are some cliff/climbing scenes, but not enough in my opinion. That aside, the reason this film, and story work so well is the emotional journey of the lead character, Emily Wilks.Emily, played by Josie Davis, is the center of the film. It's not an "action film" at all, but more the journey of a person who is so broken she makes choices that will forever change her life. And not in the greatest of ways. I was truly taken by Josie Davis' performance. I remember her from years ago, in "Charles in Charge," and I was really blown away by her focused and passionate performance in this film.William McNamara plays the "slightly crazy" villain, Joel. And I mean he's really a bit crazy, but in that cool, creepy way. Yeah, he creeped me out.Courtney Gains, from so many great films, was really wonderful as Andrew. And I must say, kinda under used in my opinion. For me, Courtney Gains and Josie Davis shared one of the best scenes in the film.Other featured cast members are; William Duffy, Joe Estevez, Anne Griffin, and the great ("Sweep the Leg") Martin Kove, from the original, and one and only "The Karate Kid." To summarize the story. "The Ascent" takes us on a journey of a great mislead. We think one story is happening, when really, an entire other story had been happening right in front of our eyes. On its surface, it is a story of a mountaineer who takes a group of novice climbers up a dangerous mountain. Or it's a story of a mountaineer who is forced to take a group of thieves to a buried treasure in gold. Or it's a story of how far a person will go to avenge a loved one... For me, it was all these things.I really loved this film. Good acting. Good pacing. It had a nice slow burn. And most of all, fleshed out main characters. Indeed, some of the secondary characters needed a bit more, but I was taken with Emily, Josie Davis' character, I didn't much care. And note a great, small scene, with Martin Kove and Anne Griffin.I hope this film comes out on DVD, or airs on cable, soon. I recommend "The Ascent" to anyone looking to rent/watch a good film, with a real story, and real emotions, that really entertained me.I also hope the film is given the proper technical completion, as the cut I saw still needed its score, sound, and color grading to be completed.I give "The Ascent" two thumbs up, and I look forward to the sequel.
IMDB-fan-2010 Some mild spoilers.I caught the last half of this on TV last night, and seeing there wasn't a single review here on IMDb, thought I would scribble a few words.Well I can't believe this was actually released - the acting is poor & hammy, the dialogue stilted and the 'action' scenes completely unbelievable.With such an obvious small budget, the director has been too adventurous - far better to have concentrated on character dialogue rather than such poor 'adventure' scenes. With TV shows such as '24' and 'Dexter' managing to be fun & exciting, as well as reasonably realistic, there really doesn't seem to be a place for this type of movie any more. Cave scene - the interior is obviously fake cement 'rock' and there are no wide shots at all.2 characters fall over a cliff, and are then shown hanging by their fingertips, somehow *beneath* an overhang, on an obvious climbing-wall !1 character gets stabbed in the stomach, apparently so badly that his bandages get blood-soaked every few minutes, but he hardly experiences any pain and is able to carry on OK, albeit with a limp !Some characters are killed, and there is no emotion or tension at all in the survivors.After trekking & struggling across some quite rugged terrain, there is suddenly a path with a guide rail !1/10, with a bonus point for "so bad, it's good".