The Arrival of Wang
The Arrival of Wang
| 04 September 2011 (USA)

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Chinese-language interpreter Gaia is called up out of the blue by the Italian authorities with an urgent and confidential translation assignment. She is whisked away to a secret underground location and ushered into a pitch-black room where she is asked to interpret the harsh interrogation of a mysterious presence, the eponymous Mr. Wang.

Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
ndichario It would be easy to be jaded about a film like this as we've all become so used to big-budget special effects, especially in fantascienza films. And, yes, it does meander a bit in the beginning before it starts getting interesting. But the performances of the main characters are spectacular, and there's a neat twist at the end of the movie that's worth waiting for, with some creative filming that may be low-budget but it stands out as fun and effective regardless. The version I watched was in Italian with no English subtitles, but I only have a smattering of Italian at my disposal, and I can say you don't need to be fluent in the language to understand what's happening. Like most good science fiction and fantasy, it's as much about human nature as anything else. I think it's worth the 80- minute investment for fans of the genre. It also proves that you don't need a billion dollars to make a decent science fiction film; it's not all about the bling.
Sneekythief Wannnnnnnngggggggg!!! For a budget film which probably cost no more than the price of a latte to make,weve got to give it a little slack.First off it is an engrossing watch,yes the CGI is below standard (price of a latte remember)yes its confined to a single holding room for most of the time,but hell!! it IS thought provoking,it is clever and I must say I couldn't wait to find out what was the end scenario.No its not a mega blockbuster where film fans flock only to be let down by all the hype,its a film which will disappear into the corridors of time ,hardly seen by anyone and that is the sad truth.I gave it a chance,I watched,I enjoyed.Open your mind and let it in,there a far,far worse movie experiences out there than The Arrival of Wang! Weve all seen them.Yes its got flaws,yes its pretty hard watching at times,but stick with it, there are also some great moments as well.It is a great film as it does keep you guessing,the trick is to just remember its a film and my mind was entertained by a budget film,thats why I marked it a solid 8!The end line should be up there with the classic final film quotes!! Its a masterpiece. The question is:Does Wang come in peace? Or does he come to leave earth in pieces? You'll have to watch yourself....................
Leofwine_draca THE ARRIVAL OF WANG is a little-known, low-budget Italian sci-fi movie about a female translator, fluent in Mandarin, who finds herself undertaking the most unusual job of her career when contacted by a mysterious government branch. It starts off promisingly, provoking a sense of mystery and foreboding with its 'dark room' premise, but sadly it gets more and more ridiculous as the story progresses.The main problem I had with the production is its reliance on CGI effects which look fairly ridiculous. A key twist early on had me bursting into laughter rather than being frightened as the female lead was. This transforms it into nothing more than an extended episode of THE OUTER LIMITS (circa 1990s), one which feels dragged out in places. Little happens, and when it's all over you wonder how they managed to fill the running time out.There are some decent scenes and elements here, including a torture sequence or two which prove to be fairly hard-hitting, but I did find the story falling apart as the finishing line approached. The twist ending is anything but surprising, while the acting is little to write home about. It is a shame, because I believe with tighter realism and more focus on the human aspects of the tale this could have been great rather than average.
Maz Murdoch (asda-man) I have never heard of The Arrival of Wang. The first I heard of it was on Film4 during the Frightfest season which they were having. Being quite the horror buff, I decided to give it a look on our very own IMDb only to find one review and zero description! It was clear to me that no one had seen it. However, seeing something without knowing nothing about it was an idea that sounded very appealing to me so I watched it without knowing nothing about it and what I got was a well done, low-budget and low-key thriller that offered something a little bit unique, but which is quite flawed.I won't go too much into the plot because knowing nothing about it is something that I found quite intriguing. You put yourself right in the main character's shoes, so you feel as confused and alienated as she does. She's a translator who gets a mysterious call to go and do some translating. That's really all you need to know about it. What unfolds is some compelling dialogue and bad CGI. If I told you that most of the film plays out in one room, then you'd be understandably turned off. However, you shouldn't be. I was never bored in The Arrival of Wang thanks to the unique premise and well-handled screenplay. As long as you keep open minded, you're sure to find something to enjoy. It's also quite thought-provoking.It's not all about talking though. There is also some well-executed scenes of thrills and tension which I shan't spoil for you. It's just a shame that this aspect wasn't used more because it added some much needed spice to the film. I felt like the whole thing ended too quickly and more could've been done. However, it's better to be too short than too long, right? There are also some seriously bad effects that are worth a mention. I know it's a low budget film, but they really shouldn't have included ambitious set-pieces if they knew that they couldn't pull them off. They could've at least tried to execute them with a bit of imagination and with as little CGI as possible.However, The Arrival of Wang is a film worth seeing. I've seen much worse mainstream films and at least it's never boring. It offers something different and it always had me interested. The final line of dialogue also hit me quite hard. It's a great ending which leaves you with something to ponder about. Some of the plot can be quite predictable, however I found it difficult to pin point how the film was going to end and it didn't disappoint. In short, if you get the chance to see The Arrival of Wang please do. You also get a special feeling of belonging to a very small cult of people who have actually seen it. I imagine only six people have seen it so far, so you could be the seventh!