The Anatomy of a Great Deception
The Anatomy of a Great Deception
NR | 05 September 2014 (USA)
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The Anatomy of a Great Deception is a quasi-political, spiritual documentary following businessman-turned-filmmaker, David Hooper as he deals with the emotions of his own investigation into the events of 9/11.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ralph-260 Only someone that is working for the government or is completely afraid of facing the implications of the reality of 911 will dispute this film.Highly recommended if you are not afraid of taking the red pill...only if you are prepared to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.If throw out everything else, Building 7 alone demands an real investigation, since anyone with any common sense can see it was demolished on purpose...As far as the twin towers, why should anyone pay a demolition crew to bring down a building anymore, when NIST says that you can do it from the top down with a few thousand gallons of Diesel fuel for a fraction of what a demolition company will charge. Does anyone really believe these people?
Murray Morison David Hooper - the excellent director of this intriguing documentary - came to doubt the official narrative about 9/11 relatively recently. But he made a thorough investigation and has valuably chronicled his journey in this film.There is not much here that is entirely new to those who have had their doubts for years, but the way he has marshaled his arguments is powerful. He successfully demonstrates the weakness of the NIST case. He demonstrates the duplicity of those who claimed "no-one heard explosions" by referencing the 118 separate instances of those who did. Some of the footage of this was new to me. He points out that the molten metal pouring from WT1 or 2 has never been adequately explained. And he adds that fires remained burning underwater for days after the collapse (that was new information for me too). There is no explanation from the 9/11 Commission or NIST that explains that phenomenon. Nor are there explanations offered for the presence of the chemical signature of nano-thermite (which cannot be produced by burning paint as argued by some 'debunkers') His ending is powerful, suggesting those so motivated need to continue their own research. He gives enough hints to suggest this 'conspiracy' is darker and more widespread than most realise. It is an odd synchronism for me that I received my copy of his DVD the same day I found out a film has been made about the sinking of the USS Liberty in 1967 - a cut and dried case now of a false flag event.
socraticmethod09 This is nothing more than a compendium of readily available information, for anyone willing to take the time to find it. Usually, too, documentaries have counter-arguments to add to their credibility. This one does not. Which leaves out the documentary contention. There isn't anything "thrilling" about this, except its complete lack of the science of the collapse which is well-documented and also available to anyone willing to look for it.Breathtakingly cursory explanations of what "science" there is in this "piece", are easily dismissible to anyone with a tenth-grader's understanding of the physics of falling objects. How the structures came down is mystifying; I'll grant that. To anyone not familiar with the energy involved in a plane moving at better than 500 mph, then slamming into a steel building and transferring ALL of that energy to the structure in 1 second it's hard to grasp. 3500 Mj is the amount we're talking about. .00007 Kilotons of explosive is the equivalent. This is assuming no fuel in the plane. But, there was. So, a small fraction of a KT of explosive is set off in a building then it's set on fire. What will happen next? I wonder.The film maker claims to have burnt through his savings in researching. Leaving out his on-camera time, all of the footage is available for free. His bio (self-written), says he's made $80 million. He claims, also, to have spent his life living and working in High rises. This does not sound like the "average Joe" he claims to be; nor does it make him an expert. I drive cars, but I don't fix them. If you have to watch this, do it for free, on Youtube. He'll sell you a copy for 14.95 though.So, it's not a conventional documentary, and it's not a thriller; which leaves it a money-making venture, pitched as that which it is none of; kind of like going to The Chophouse ordering a $30 rib eye and getting a Big Mac served instead.I see a new reviewer has weighed in. Poorly referencing a false flag operation (that in no way, shape, or form exists), and citing the sinking of a ship the USS Liberty, that sailed home under its own power, was decommissioned in 1970, and then sold for scrap in 1973. So when was the USS Liberty sunk EXACTLY?! This information is provided by the reviewer AFTER watching the documentary about the alleged false flag attack perpetrated by Israel. Who didn't need any flag to blame because THEY WERE ALREADY FIGHTING Egypt. The US and/or the Navy never fired a shot save a volley from the Liberty's deck-mounted .50 cal.I can only GUESS that the reviewer meant the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Where no one died, the US did finally admit that it was misrepresented to SPEED UP our direct involvement in Vietnam (it was an inevitability make no mistake), faster than sentiment at home would allow.Why the reviewer can't get the facts straight is open to interpretation. But, again, it serves to illustrate the mindset of anyone looking for conspiracies. Look long enough at ANYTHING W/O OBJECTIVITY, you will find it. Guaranteed.
aed5104 Per psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas, or values.Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. When inconsistency (dissonance) is experienced, individuals tend to become psychologically uncomfortable and are motivated to attempt to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoiding situations and information which are likely to increase it.
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