The After
The After
| 06 February 2014 (USA)
The After Trailers

Eight strangers are thrown together by mysterious forces and must help each other survive in a violent world that defies explanation.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
soelvfaks This is the absolute best pilot I have seen in a long while! Very sad thats all there is of this show. Personally, I think this series could be a great one, and I sure it would have more than enough followers to make it work. I like how we know just what the characters know, so we can follow the story along with this group of eight people. It kind of seems a bit similar to Revolution, with all the electricity being gone, but this one seem to have more than just the power going out. Is it an invasion? Is the government behind this? Is our planet just giving up? I have no idea, but I would really like to know!! I really hope they reconsider and make the show.
Stan Wartownik I think that all those die-hard fans of Chris Carter's previous productions (except "X-Files: I want to believe" which was a total disaster, a piece of unwatchable schlock) who enjoyed all his nicely plotted, well-thought, intelligent and rather suggestive TV series will be quite disappointed this time! (And I know that they are already: as I've roamed through different web forums and read how people are displeased & appalled by this new hmm... endeavour.)There is NOTHING in this miserable & drab pilot to attract any attention whatsoever: no likable characters, no intelligent or even interesting dialogues, no humour, no real thrill, nothing remotely thought-provoking or even simply eye-catching... In brief: NOTHING. All seems quite standard and insipid with commonplace turns of today bleak TV police dramas, cliché'd & quite sapless, crude throughout...
depaulapimenta I was dumb enough to read 3 positive reviews and jump on the band wagon without scanning further to look into the negative. And oh boy are the negative ones right! I've never written a review before, but since this was probably one of the worst hours ever wasted of my life I felt compelled to waste another 10minutes writing this. In plain English? The writing is atrocious. The whole thing is thrown together without any rhyme or reason. It's like 12 people were having a drinking game "name the post apocalyptic scenario" and someone was sober enough to write them all down. "Things happen" 'cause the creator needed for them to happen to move the story forward - even though the only "move forward" that happens are of characters going from A to B to F as in Falling Flat. Characters say or do random things 'cause you know? Why not! It's entertaining. We need people running around and bickering and crying and disagreeing all the time. We need total chaos and panic. Yes! "More cowbells please". It's the post-apocalypse for crying out loud! I stayed until the end hoping to get a smudge of an explanation but there's no "Rosebud" or "Keyser Soze" here. No. There's just a perfect (sic) Deus Ex Machina that is suppose to shock and hook you but instead just hoodwinks you. Highly recommended for anyone who loved the final episode of the great-until-that-moment show that was "Lost". If you like wasting your time coming up with convoluted excuses for lazy and poor plot/character choices by the creators, well, Mr. Carter made this one just for you.
pariahx-876-933189 There will always be reviews for and against great movies, the after may not be the greatest, but as far as entertainment goes, i felt it was very riveting, and it left me wanting more. my one fear is that some series starts with good plots and heavy tension, and then fizzle out and becomes boring. I have also noted that too many series are base on emotions that are not very realistic in certain situations, like stopping to take time to hug, kiss and dry tears while horror and death is going on around the characters. Someone or something is trying to kill you in the most brutal way, and anything that can be used as a weapon is either ignored or dropped and the person run. How realistic is that. Realism is taken out of acting to make room for false emotions in roles, why does every woman have to scream on seeing a body,that is presume dead.
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