The 13th Unit
The 13th Unit
R | 01 February 2014 (USA)
The 13th Unit Trailers

Seven strangers find themselves trapped in an underground storage facility, struggling to survive while being hunted by a supernatural beast that resides inside the mysterious 13th unit.

Dotbankey A lot of fun.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Michael Ledo The movie starts off by us reading about killings in an abandoned warehouse in 1937 involving stolen ancient artifacts. In current day Chicago, the warehouse is a multilevel storage facility. We see killings going on, or at least hear people screaming, appearing bloody, then their bodies being pulled away by something unseen.A group of college kids opt to go after the demon stones allegedly hidden in tunnels under the unit. This of course can only happen at night. There are other people accessing their units when the lights go out. The quality of the amateur filming approaches that of the hand held genre. The different groups act as various cheap subplots as people with flash-lights running and screaming. Kendra (Rocki DuCharme) appears to be the main protagonist among the groups of non-connected individuals.The plot was well conceived. The execution was horrible. More for those who like bad hand held films without knowing or caring who is filming.Parental Guide: F-bombs. No sex or nudity.
fbeastboy So, I checked this film with some friends.. most agreed that this super low budget horror film was not all that bad, it was simple, straight forward - but a few didn't like it.Somebody made a very good point - if the movie had been a bunch of big Hollywood names in it, it would have been every where. Hollywood releases crap all the time, but it's okay because they are the big boys. The film had potential to be better, but if was far from crap.It's a simple super low budget horror film - maybe more of a thriller. You're locked in a building, this thing is picking people off one by one and nobody knows anything about it. Was better than most typical low budget stuff we watch. It does not try to throw blood all over the place to create gore for action/effects. The actors were okay...some stronger than others. Camera work, music and overall flow was cool. Has different story lines, so was a little all over the place at the beginning but came together when the lights go out. The action picks up and it all connected at the very end - after a few credits - don't know if that worked, especially if people watching turned it off.If YOU are a big budget, Hollywood, CG creature person you will NOI like this film...but if your looking to trying something small and creative you might. Funny, I checked out the one critics review of the film, sounds almost like mine... maybe I need to get paid giving my opinion.
Juicewizzle My buddy told me about this film, said how it wasn't that great but was very creative for the budget - since we are thinking about doing a low budget film I had to check it out. I read the reviews, 50% ripping it, the other half saying its review has to fall a little closer to the okay side of the tracks. The actors, music, camera and editing was good for the little horror film it was. Some of the killing scenes were little cheesy, but not over the top bad. I've watched A LOT of "shoe-string" budget films that have major sound problems, EXTREMELY HORRIBLE ACTORS, the camera work kills you, completely takes you out of the movie. This film held together for what it was - small low budget horror. If people are expecting Mike Bay Transformer effects after you watched the trailer, then you mislead yourself. The story could have been better, but I liked the multiple story lines. I compared it for what it shoe-string budget film that worked.
bob cool It's kind of a very low budget cross between (rec) and the Friday the 13th Jason movies, except there is absolutely no suspense. For the first half of the movie, between flashbacks showing why they are there, various people in the storage facility get suddenly killed by some shadowy, unseen gnarling demon thing, which has been unleashed by some thrill seeking relic hunting grad students who go there to find some museum relic (one of whom may have performed a ritual with it to let the demon out- but all the flashbacks (time-stamped) are so all over the time-line its hard to tell). There are about 5 or 6 parallel stories, all with their own flashbacks, so you might want to make a chart. Then some people discover bodies, and other ranting people, but except for one woman, no one really gets any idea they are in deadly demon danger for at least the first two thirds of the movie. No one really gets chased- they just peek into lockers, get dragged in and die. I stopped watching at that point. There might have been some semblance of a decent low budget movie premise here in someones mind at some point, but it was either lost on the editing room floor, or, more likely, was a very bad script and a director who has no grasp of suspense or drama. I suspect the local high school A/V club could collaborate and write something as good or better in terms of a horror script/storyboard.