The 13th Sign
The 13th Sign
| 13 August 2000 (USA)
The 13th Sign Trailers

A young girl is drawn back to the village where her father went on a killing spree fifteen years earlier to the day of this solar eclipse. At first, it seems disturbingly quiet. Then all hell breaks loose...

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Micransix Crappy film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Matthew Hopkiins It appears even the director doesn't like this film,but for me I think he's being a bit harsh on himself.Sure it's not perfect, but there are some atmospheric shots,and the story is good enough to keep you interested throughout.It's shot in what appears to be quite a pretty village which adds to the atmosphere as well.If you like horror films shot in England, give it a go.I have just seen a trailer for this directors latest film 'The Devil's Chair' which looks quite amazing.There aren't enough English horror films for me, so any that come along deserve our attention, and this one isn't as bad as you may think
jim_the_chicken First off, ill start by saying i go to the school (yes it is a school) where this was filmed, so its even more hilarious to see them running for their lives through the shop where i buy chewing gum in the mornings, and killing a 'possessed' villager with the 'please keep off the grass' sign. Secondly, this film is uber, uber cheap, and a laugh to watch, if only because it is so dire, and there are more plot holes and rubbish fight scenes than there are minutes of play. Also, if you read the notes in the extras it says, and i quote, "this film was made to be laughed at, not with." It was crud, it was supposed to be crud, spend a few quid, buy it, and sit up for an hour and twenty minutes laughing your nuts off at it. Plus there are tons of extras which are both genuinely amusing and provide an insight into the horrors of what was left on the cutting room floor.
Peter Grunbaum I bought this while I was playing chess in Hastings. I am from Denmark though. It is very good. Definitely with an understanding of the horror genre. The monster towards the end is very scary. People who criticize this on IMDb should recall that it was a huge success among serious horror critics. Anyway, I really love horror movies and this one is good fun. Especially jump-scares tend to be interesting in horror movies. It seems a show like Fear Factor is more disgusting than scary but this movie really is scary and I like that in horror. It is made on a low budget for sure but still a very powerful movie. I am really a dedicated horror fan and I like imagination in movies. Horror seems to be very imaginative. Horror today seems a bit boring but it has been an important genre for a long time.
darkroom-2 I thought this film was extremely entertaining. It had a sense of humour and yet could shake up some fear where needed. Don't take this film too seriously, just enjoy it for what it is.