That's Life!
That's Life!
PG-13 | 10 October 1986 (USA)
That's Life! Trailers

A wealthy architect struggles with a severe case of male menopause at the approach of his 60th birthday.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Armand at first sigh, one of many home films, mixture of crisis, family problems, selfish characters and a strong pillar of family. in fact, one of splendid performances of Julie Andrews . that fact is the most important point in film. than, Jack Lemmon trying create a credible Harvey. his character is not bad but too common. the script gives a lot of clichés, the situations are not always credible, the line is too simple to not seems be boring. the third - a too large family and confusion as result. another good thing - presence of Robert Loggia who creates not a great but a nice role using, in smart manner, many of its possibilities.a film about family crisis , middle age and fears.short - a work who, at first sigh may be one of Hallmark movies. the difference - beautiful performance of Julie Andrews.
Camoo what on earth is this derelict excuse for a movie? Lemmon is usually such a great actor, but this movie brings out his worst. i saw this in the video store, saw it was directed by the guy who made 'breakfast at tiffany's' and 'the pink panther' and thought, hey, okay, let's try this out. but then i failed to remember the same guy made all the other pink panther movies as well. I gave the box to the guy at the counter and he gave me a tape in return. I would have had more fun bringing the empty box home and staring at that for an hour and a half. what a waste of two bucks fifty. I should have put down a hundred at Wal Mart for a Remington and shot myself after this movie finished. grumpy old men was better than this, and nothing is worse than grumpy old men except grumpier old men and out to sea. i was expecting an amazing team up here from two classic great actors and a classic director but they should have shared the price of a Remington and a box of cartridges and done themselves in. I'm flogging a dead horse. i just have nothing positive to say about this, except i like Lemmon usually but here he should have been called 'jack lemon'. ha ha. funny right. my joke was as funny as this movie was good.
Stephen Alfieri "That's Life" is supposed to be a story about a man just on the other side of a middle age crisis on his way to a breakdown. It stars Jack Lemmon who plays middle aged men on their way to a breakdown better than anyone. Julie Andrews is his loving, supportive wife, who is going through a crisis of her own. Directed by Blake Edwards, I thought this movie had real potential and couldn't wait to get to the theatre to see it.It turned out to be a painfully dull family reunion picture for the Lemmon's and Edwards'. Populated with many of the stars actual children, "That's Life" feels as though you are seeing some type of home movie. Thanks, but I'll stick with my own.It's hard to feel compassion or sympathy with Harvey Fairchild (Lemmon), when he has a beautiful house, beautiful family that loves him, fancy suits, three martini lunches... you get the picture. But Harvey is helplessly self-centered. Oblivious to all going on around him. He cannot even be happy at the prospect of being a grandparent. Nor does he pick up the signals that his wife may be sick.Watching Lemmon, I thought that his performance was a cross of "Days of Wine and Roses" and "Save the Tiger". It's all been done before. He is certainly not helped with a lame script by Edwards.The only saving grace in this movie is Julie Andrews. Stoic, strong, and courageous in the face of her own problems, as well as having to be strong for Harvey. Her performance is the only well-rounded, realistic one in the film.As for the other members of the Edwards and Lemmon families, the less said the better.4 out of 10
jrs-8 Don't be surprised if you have never heard of "That's Life." It came and went quickly in 1988.Jack Lemmon stars as a hypochondriac who is turning 60 and believes death is just around the corner. Of course nothing could be further from the truth. His wife is Julie Andrews as a singer who awaits the results of a test to see if she has cancer. But Lemmon is so wrapped up with his troubles his fails to realize his wife may be the one actually sick.I know the description makes the film sound down and depressing. Nothing can be further from the truth!! As directed by Blake ("10," "Pink Panther") Edwards, the film is laced with comedy to relieve the tension for the audience as well as Julie Andrews.This is a film for adults. It tackles real issues in real ways. The performances are all terrific and the mixture of comedy and drama are just right. It makes the film a qualified success.