That Was Then... This Is Now
That Was Then... This Is Now
R | 08 November 1985 (USA)
That Was Then... This Is Now Trailers

A delinquent teenager's only link to society is the attachment he feels towards an older brother-figure. When the older boy starts spending time with a new girlfriend, the teenager begins to feel even more alienated, and gets involved with drugs and the police.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
pierrebonomo My grade 10 ESL students read the book and then watched this film version. They were not impressed at all and everyone agreed that it is not a good portrayal of the book. Some essential scenes are missing such as Mike Chamber's story which helps the reader really understand the motivation behind Bryon's change of heart. It would really have not been that difficult to just follow what was written in the book. Someone needs to be blamed for this poor excuse of a film!The desperate male students in the class were hoping that the Angela character would have been as hot as she is described in the book! Read the book instead.
nan-bess Yikes. This movie was not very good. The book was okay, not great. I still managed to slightly enjoy both. But really, the movie was pretty bad. The acting was pretty bad, except for Emilio Estivez who actually was enduring and cute. And of course, Morgan Freeman was awesome as he always is but his part wasn't major in this movie. The main character, Bryon, was sometimes enjoyable to watch and sometimes hard to watch. He's cute so that helps, but his acting wasn't great and it ruined some of the scenes. Cathy was cute too but her acting was pretty bad. Particularly, when she was driving the car when M&M was hallucinating. It was horrible. She had no emotion just like when she was in the hospital waiting room with her dad. She's not a good actress. And even Angela wasn't a great actress. The book was okay - somewhat enjoyable and besides the ending, the movie was true to the book. But there was so much more going on in the book, so much more detail (as is usually the case). The movie did a horrible job replicating that. I feel sorry for SE Hinton that her story was so poorly portrayed. Yikes.
Ash This movie was really bad. If it would've been directed by Francis Coppola, it might've been better but, this movie was really bad. It didn't even end like the book did. Emilio did a good job acting but, it doesn't make up for the many other mistakes made. They made Emilio the center of the story when, the bond between Mark and Bryon was supposed to be the center. This movie really should've had S.E. Hinton involved and Francis Coppola should've directed. I loved the book, but this movie really depressed me at how much better it could've been. The casting was decent but again, couldn't save the movie. The ending is what really made it bad. If it would've ended like the book, it could've been a little better but not by much. See the movie for yourself. You might come to different conclusion than I did.
triple8 This book had alot of impact on me when I read it so very long ago-the movie wasn't terrible-though I really CAN understand people feeling cheated by it. However it is nowhere as good as the book.SPOILER: The ending in the movie was widely critiscized for differing from the book-I can actually understand both sides-I cared about Mark in Hinton's book-of coarse reading it one wants a happy ending for all involved-even if thats the easy way out.Yet the movie's which ended alot more sunny then the book also felt a bit unrealistic-because I doubt, sadly it WOULD happen that way in reality-so it's like:be careful what you wish for-you just might get it. By that I mean, reading the book you weep at the ending, wishing it could be different-but then it IS different in the movie and you feel a bit cheated. Tough call to make if changing the ending was a good idea or not.But I STILL liked this movie and thought it was welldone-I'd recomend it to anyone who hasn't seen it-the story still touches you and the acting is credible.