That Touch of Mink
That Touch of Mink
NR | 14 June 1962 (USA)
That Touch of Mink Trailers

Cathy Timberlake is en route to a job interview when a car transporting businessman Philip Shayne covers her in mud. He sends his assistant, Roger, to apologize, but upon meeting Cathy, Roger knows that she would be a suitable match for his boss. Despite their mutual attraction, Cathy and Philip want different things. Philip wants a fling, while Cathy wants a marriage. As they travel to exotic locales, their differing motivations are put to the test.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
TinsHeadline Touches You
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Rumana Faruque ...misogyny, sexual harassment, sexual harassment in the workplace, casual conversation about domestic violence when a women doesn't put out after buying her a mink coat, homosexual innuendo, homophobia, an arranged marriage "to keep the little lady in line"....ah, the early 1960's. Really what more is there to say? This is the 1960's version of Pretty Woman. Rich guy picks up down-on-her-luck girl and buys her fancy clothes and takes her on fancy trips all in the expectation that he's gonna get some. All this goodness is set against the zippy backdrop of old Hollywood Cary Grant/Doris Day style. Really it's like Mad Men only less tongue in cheek. So yeah...go forth and uh...drink your way through this wild ride of setting feminism back about 50 years.
Leofwine_draca THAT TOUCH OF MINK is a deliberately old-fashioned romantic comedy teaming up two of Hollywood's biggest genre stars, Doris Day and Cary Grant. They play the usual bickering twosome when they're brought together after Grant's car splashes Day during a rainstorm and he decides to make amends. What follows is entirely frivolous and completely unmemorable.Much of the story centres around Day's grating, all-too-wholesome character as she goes around shopping and the like. I wasn't really interested in these moments, but the scenes she shares with the naturally charismatic Grant are better. There are also a couple of decent characters in support, namely John Astin and Gig Young, but the emphasis is very much on putting across Day's carefully-manufactured image. I guess I'm completely the wrong demographic for this sort of picture.
TheLittleSongbird This is not my favourite Doris Day film, that's Pillow Talk, but That Touch of Mink is a fun and charming comedy that has its flaws but also has its strengths. That Touch of Mink is not perfect though. The film is a little overlong, and the pacing is rather slow consequently there are a few scenes that drag. And there are parts that are dated compared to now, not in the cinematography but more I agree in men and women swooning over losing their virginity. Flaws aside, the cinematography is lovely, and the gowns are beautiful. The soundtrack is also nostalgic and memorable, the story is charming and the script is amusing and sparkles constantly. The direction is pretty good too, while the acting is fine. Cary Grant is admittedly a little long in the tooth, but he is still the arch, charming and urbane actor I fell in love with, while Doris Day is fabulous with her fresh and endearing approach. Gig Young brings some likability into a somewhat obnoxious character, while John Astin has a lot of smarmy lines and makes the most of them with relish and Audrey Meadows especially is sensational. All in all, That Touch of Mink is flawed, but for fans of Grant and Day and those looking for a charming and fun film this is not a bad way of passing 100 or so minutes. 7/10 Bethany Cox
Petri Pelkonen Cathy Timberlake, a country girl looking for a job and Philip Shayne, a rich businessman meet in New York City after his Rolls Royce splashes her with mud.They fall for each other, but the only problem is she wants to get married and he has no interest in such a thing.That Touch of Mink (1962) is directed by Delbert Mann.The leading couple is something grand, for we have Doris Day and Cary Grant.They share some chemistry together.Gig Young does great job as Roger.Audrey Meadows is terrific as Connie Emerson.Alan Hewitt is great as Dr. Gruber.John Astin is quite hilarious as Mr. Everett Beasley.Portraying themselves are Mickey Mantle, Roger Maris and Yogi Berra.The movie has some fun moments.One of them is when Cathy is waiting for Philip in the hotel room and gets drunk.And the phone call for Beasley makes you chuckle.Roger's visit at the shrink is quite funny.This isn't a classic of romantic comedies, but Cary Grant and Doris Day make it work.