That Little Monster
That Little Monster
| 19 April 1994 (USA)
That Little Monster Trailers

A young teenage girl is hired by a strange couple to watch their baby for the night. What the babysitter doesn't know is how strange the couple is, and exactly what kind of baby she is watching over.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
cdwellers2 If you are a lover of shows like The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, Night Gallery or Monsters, this film is for you! The opening homage to the 1931 film Frankenstein is truly a bit of ingenious parody.Mr.Bunnell certainly used the black and white medium not only to enhance the mood and flavor of the subject but to also remind the viewer of the tribute made to shows like the beloved Twilight Zone and Outer Limits series.Unusual use of camera angles and movement of the camera itself catches one off guard. Remarkable to note is the babysitter's first entrance into the nursery. This is one of the creepiest uses of the camera I have ever seen. The camera seems to become The Blob - so to speak- and take on a life of it's own! An amazing piece of work! Although a short film, it delivers more than enough mystery, suspense and thrill to satisfy any fan of the genre. Well written and contrived with a well balanced blend of horror, science fiction and black humor.Also as a bonus there is an amazing star cameo appearance by a now late but well remembered comedian.The reason I didn't give the film a full 10 is due to the use of an unnecessary and perhaps too long "overture" at the beginning. Overlooking this personal point the film is well worth the viewer's time.The bonus materials on the DVD are also very good. The Visitant is a brilliant short film shot in color. An un-nerving little piece about a father visiting his young son's grave. I jumped at least twice as the film ran it's course. Again a very well written and contrived piece of film story-telling at it's best.The Interview with the film's creator is light-hearted and full of camp!Hat's off to Mr Paul Bunnell, his cast and crew for a very worthwhile and entertaining DVD set.Jim Seaburg
Mikel3 I can not believe some of the positive comments I've read here. They misled me into seeing this piece of trash. I'm sure many freshman college students taking a 'Film-101' course could do a better job. The acting was poor, the story was predictable, the "little Monster" looked like a plastic doll, and the film dragged to the point you didn't really care anymore what happened as long as it was finally over.If someone held a gun to my head and said "Say something Positive or you'll soon be as brainless as the director", I'd have to say that at the very least there were some pretty bizarre set pieces. It looked like a world where the Joker from the animated Batman series would feel right at home. Oh and it was nice to see that special cameo appearance at the end by one of Hollywoods all time greats. He must have lost a golf bet or something to end up making an appearance in this turkey.Skip this one, life is too short.
MissySprinkles Upon viewing THAT LITTLE MONSTER, I found that this movie is actually quite stylish, and better thought-out than most movies in theaters today. There are some true moments of black humor, mixed in well with some fun shocks and suspense. Ultimately, the movie is an affectionate nod to THE TWILIGHT ZONE series (the story is almost a direct lift of one specific episode), and particularly the underlying spooky humor that show was noted for.Originally, this was written as an episode for TV's MONSTERS, but writer / director Paul Bunnell decided to expand the idea into a longer, artier version. The cast is mainly made up of a talented group of unknown starlets, but horror fans will be happy to see Reggie Bannister of the PHANTASM films here, in a small but significant role (just don't expect to see him running away from flying spheres, and you'll be happy). It was enjoyable to see Bannister again, this time playing Twelvetrees, the butler who warns the baby-sitter about that little monster.Shot in 16mm for the bargain basement cost of $30,000, Bunnell spared no effort in trying to make this movie look as polished and professional as anything the big studios are putting out today. And his strive for perfectionism shows in many of the setups. One elaborate shot has the camera dollying up to a door, twisting around then going up the wall, then over the top of the room and down inside it. Most people would have been content with a dolly to the doorknob, then a dissolve to the inside. But not Bunnell. What looks like a robot dolly / crane is actually a specially-built room that rotates, and a Steadicam operator. Pretty impressive stuff. I was so blown away by this shot, I rewound the tape and watched it again. It's small touches like these that help set this movie above much of the competition. And it took them just three takes to get such an elaborate shot to Bunnell's satisfaction.There's also a surprise guest star at the end of the film, one that will leave many of you scratching your heads wondering how Bunnell managed to wrangle this guy up.My only complaints with the movie are small -- some of the staging is too theatrical, and I sense that Bunnell has his roots in community theatre. And the story has a tendency to drag in places, due to Bunnell's "artsy" touches. Luckily, these moments are few and far between. If you're a fan of humor at its darkest, you won't be disappointed with THAT LITTLE MONSTER!
glbspk Enjoyed the camera work especially. The close-ups and odd angles, along with the B&W format made it all the more surealistic. One of those movies where you think you might know what is going on but it turns out - not really. Nothing was overdone - but all was done well.