That Gal...Who Was in That Thing: That Guy 2
That Gal...Who Was in That Thing: That Guy 2
| 07 March 2015 (USA)
That Gal...Who Was in That Thing: That Guy 2 Trailers

Actresses talk about their personal lives and dealing with a balance between family responsibilities and being a professional actor.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Wordiezett So much average
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
mshavzin All women have completely different experiences, different personalities, and different expectations. We do not share any common identity, so stop trying to force one on us. Thsi moaning and complaining is old and tired. No oen deserves to be giuvena break because of their gender, and you should expect fierce competition for coveted roles. In fact, this whole thing is alie as we well know in Hollywood it on ly matters who you are related to, nothing else. Its alm ost like Medieval Europe, or India with a caste system, and anyone that has an original thought, or harbors an outsider is quickly ban ished. Why do you think alkkl m ovies and TV shiows these days are such a complete bore?
ShelbyTMItchell I wished that instead of just sitting around a table and discussing their gender as well as eating lunch. Which I kind of admit was amusing. These character actresses should had been explored more than their male counterparts.Like in their personal lives and also in the fact, of how they are managing to get to Hollywood. Being a leading man and woman you get all the roles. But being a character actor or actress, you get the lines and all of that. Plus it is an everyday struggle unlike their leading man or lady counterparts that get the best roles their way.Like one of the posters, there should had been more actresses like Patricia Clarkson, that should had been on there. Oh well!
jenmaravegias-58204 I really enjoyed That Guy... and was very excited to learn that the filmmakers were giving the ladies of Hollywood their fair shake as well. This is a very well made doc, the women who are interviewed are insightful, funny and excruciatingly self-aware. I think this is an important movie because it's one thing for us to hear well-known female stars talking about inequality in Hollywood when they are making big paychecks and have their names above the titles. But it's a wholly different thing to hear from the women who have been working their butts off in Hollywood and are barely known. If you don't recognize who most of these women are I think it proves the point. They are literally in every thing and have been for a long time. Because they are not Gwyneth or Sandra, Julia or Jennifer doesn't mean they should be invisible. It doesn't make their stories or their work any less valid. The men and women featured in these documentaries are the backbone of the industry and we should be paying more attention to them. Bravo!
HerveVillechaize I went on to check some of the credits of the women in this film after watching it and I came across a needlessly negative review, so I just wanted to offer my take.I've known actresses (or should I say actors?) in this business as well as casting directors and I hate to say this documentary has it right. It's especially rough for women in this business and I think it's good for people to see smart, articulate women speaking about their experiences. In a way it's hard to compare this to the previous film about male actors because I think this is about so much more.I guess I was bothered by the previous review I read because A) I actually think this is a better produced film than THAT GUY... and B) I think squashing the voices of some pretty impressive women working in this business by telling people not to see this is counterproductive. But that's what opinions are for, I suppose.Anyway, cheers to these women who have found peace and joy in being working actors, who know how lucky they are, even with all the challenges they've faced along the way.I kept thinking of Patricia Arquette at the Oscars while watching this. Did the filmmakers know she was going to give that speech?