Thank You Mask Man
Thank You Mask Man
| 01 January 1968 (USA)
Thank You Mask Man Trailers

This short animation set to Lenny Bruce's live monologue tells how the Lone Ranger hooks up with Tonto. With Bruce doing all the voices, this animation begins with local folks upset at the Lone Ranger because he won't stay around to be thanked after a good deed. So, he stays and finds he likes hearing "Thank you mask man." When their attention starts to shift elsewhere, he shocks and disgusts the townspeople with a final request. According to the cartoon’s producer John Magnuson, at early showings of this, gay audiences were upset by its apparent “fag-bashing”. And it’s true, part of the fun of the piece is just crying out “Masked man’s a fag”, scandalising and defacing the image of this all-American hero. But it’s within the larger context of Bruce’s analysis of heroism, and that the towns people reject the Masked Man is because of their prejudices, not because Bruce is asking us to endorse them. (from:

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
MartinHafer It seems everyone that has so far reviewed this short film absolutely loved it and so my review is the odd-ball. It isn't that I found THANK YOU MASK MAN offensive that I only gave it a score of 2. Sure, the Lone Ranger in this short is into homosexuality and bestiality--and I am sure this will turn a few heads. My reasons for giving it a 2 are because I just didn't enjoy the cartoon--it wasn't that funny and the animation quality was poor. I think the reason I didn't find the cartoon funny or subversive is that times have changed. What was controversial in 1971 is passé today--or at least well on its way. With "South Park" and "Robot Chicken" on television (and not even pay cable), talking about these topics is a common thing. Since it no longer has shock value, I must look at the humor itself--is there anything about the film that is remotely funny other than shocking and dirty words? Well, in my opinion, no. Lenny Bruce's stream of consciousness rapid rambling just seemed deadly flat and uninteresting.Perhaps some might enjoy this because it's a stroll down memory lane. In other words, it either reminds them of Lenny Bruce or it reminds them of watching this "bad film" with friends. Well, that's fine. But if you simply look at it for what it is today, it just doesn't hold up over time.
ultramatt2000-1 Usually most (controversial) cartoons are done in Hollywood and they are made by such as Disney, Warner Brothers, MGM, Universal and Paramount and the make fun of Japanese and black people. This one is an independent film and it makes fun of homosexuals. This short subject is the earliest form of "Stanimation" (basically it is a cartoon, in which the soundtrack is nothing but a stand-up comedy act) before Comedy Central's "Shorties watching Shorties". If I am making a Top 11 list of controversial cartoons, this would be number one. The rest will be all Hollywood-made. Be surprised who made this cartoon. Could you guess? Jeff Hale. Now what's he known for, apart from playing Auggie Ben Doggie in "Hardware Wars" (1977)? Give up? He is known for doing the Ringmaster segments, the Typewriter guy skits and the Pinball Machine sequences from "Sesame Street". I bet you are all surprised now by the time you are done reading this comment.Bottom line: Not suitable for children.Not rated: but a PG-13 would do fine due to all the language and sexual references going on.
haildevilman Classic Lenny! I found this on a 'Cartoon Scandals' video that I picked up in Philly in 1989. Since I can't find this anywhere else, I kept this video even though I've been changing to DVD's.The way the story unfolds is actually pretty good. And pay attention because he fills it with non sequitors. ("How many times did he take out the garbage? Sweep the yard?") The best line? "I like what they do with fags, they put them in jail with other men. Very clever." Despite the limited animation, this is well worth owning. I've never seen animation like this anywhere else either come to think of it.I only wish it were easier to find.
dmorris001 I first saw this Lenny Bruce skit on video when I was in college(20 years ago)....Actually never thought I'd see it again, but I was fortunate to get my hands on a VHS copy! Lenny was a pure genius and the Lone Ranger skit is so damn funny...Just thinking about the idea of the Lone Ranger being gay is enough to make you laugh..LOL.Too bad that people in the 60's were so uptight....They had the "Leave it to Beaver" family mentality....So of course, they couldn't accept outlandish humor like this! If Lenny were around doing comedy TODAY, he'd be a big hit!You can find this gem at the END of the Lenny Bruce Performance Film, which is hard, but not impossible to find.... has several sellers offering it as well.I think I better transfer this to DVD...just in case the VHS tape breaks!!