Terror Toons
Terror Toons
| 13 August 2002 (USA)
Terror Toons Trailers

In a quiet suburban neighborhood, two sisters are about to experience the dark and sinister world of Terror Toons.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Tacticalin An absolute waste of money
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
blindeyety Awful. Terrible. Bad. Pathetic. Disgraceful. Horrible. Disgusting. Fake. Cheesy. Those are just a few of the words that come to mind after watching this complete (expletive)hole of a movie. From their horrible acting to their bizarre love for lava lamps (which must have been a sponsor for this movie, since there are literally dozens of them), this move is just bad from beginning to end. I watched it with my immature 11 year old cousin, and he even he was disgusted by how bad it was. I know "adult film" actresses are not supposed to be the best actors in the world, but come on, little kids could do better than this. All in all, this could not be any worse. Please do not waste your time and waste precious time in your life. Life is too short for this complete and utter excrement.
Stonedwithoutdope But still very poorly made. It just seems the only thing they could do right in this movie was have the viewer wonder whats gonna happen next although it is usually a lot of simple, mush minded, cliché glop that attempts to stay with the plot line but never makes any sort of impact at all.Two stupid 'cartoon characters' in obvious costumes who are disciples of the devil attempt to torture and kill all children in the world by issuing their DVD of terror toons around the globe. However when it reaches a certain house and the two characters unleash hell on a bunch of unsuspecting numb skull teenagers. They meet their match in a girl named Amy who has become a superhero and gained the power to stop them.Yep if you've read my description of the plot above you've probably assumed thats the worst of it. It's not. The acting is so awful it's not even funny, just incredibly painful to watch. You can tell the whole movie has been rushed just by following the events taking place. And the mindless gore scenes and characters just don't fit.But if you want to enjoy this film here is the key. Don't take it seriously at all. That's right just, sit back and expect the worst. Then you can get more out of it. Although I enjoy most spoof movies by doing this, this film just isn't a spoof and makes it painful at times. I appreciate the director's attempts but I'm sorry Joe Castro this didn't work. 3/10
sillyputty235 This is, hands down, one of the 20 worst films of all time. I rented this movie on VHS about 3 or 4 years ago. I thought it looked reasonably good, maybe a little corny, but overall alright. I was terribly wrong. This movie has to be one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever seen. If you do somehow come to see this movie, it should either be illegally downloaded, or loaned to you for free from a friend. Be careful, however, before you watch this movie, make sure you have a time machine, so after you see it, you can go back 80 Min's and gain back the time you have wasted on this steaming pile of bull crap. If you have rented this movie from Blockbuster and you spent your hard-earned money on it, admit yourself to an insane asylum. If have not, keep a fair distance between you and this film. Consider yourself warned.
freakyteenager666 There's no good things to say about this movie when I saw this movie I was like this is crap, this is just crap everything about it, is awful I didn't like it at all. The acting was awful the chicks in the movie were idiotic if I was one of their boyfriend I hit them across the head who in the world would have a house party and bring WINE COOLERS and play some stupid strip game where they don't show you nothing at all, the script writing was crap the cartoons, the killer cartoons were good ideas but not for this movie and is so cheap I mean I could do this movie on my home computer.Worst movie ever made!