PG-13 | 25 January 2003 (USA)
Terrarium Trailers

12 astronauts volunteer to pioneer a colony, on a newly discovered planet. They awake from their frozen 15 year sleep to discover that the ship has crashed and that they are trapped in their cryotubes. To make matters worse, a hairy beast breaks in and begins devouring them, one by one... Written by Mike Conway

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Chris Mackey (guestar57) terrariumthemovie.com Starring: Timothy S. Daley Written and Directed by : Mike Conway Okay this film freaked me out. I have claustrophobia and a fear of the dark... The monster was done well,The creepy keepers were well thought out. I saw the extras ,And like everyone else who ever desired owning the Batmobile or Oscar Meyer Weiner wagon ...I wanted that ship and TO FIND OUT it was destroyed makes this fan-boy cry ! The set was something, really something and done to its best angles, Can't imagine what place those actors went to bring the fear that is so apparent. Mike Conway has lots more movies up his sleeve and we cant wait.
lordzedd-3 Okay, let's start with the good things in this movie. The CGI spaceship was surprisingly well done. Considering it was probably done on the Director's home computer. The situation sounds something out of a two part OUTER LIMITS episode. But this movie is so UnGodly boring. First they sit around in the cryo chambers waiting to be eaten. Saying we have to get out before the Ape monster returns, then nothing happens. Then they stand around staring at the glass. Again, nothing happens. Now let's talk creature effects, there isn't any. To speak of, I think they went to Earl's all night costume rental store and rented these costumes. The Ape is basically a Gorilla suit. The mouth doesn't close, the alien is basic and just the opposite, the mouth doesn't open. It would have worked as a OUTER LIMITS episode, but as a feature film, it fails big time. Plus, there's no WAR OF THE PLANETS. The DVD release must have been taking advantage of the WAR OF THE WORLDS movie that came out. It's a mess and deserves to be ignored. I give WAR OF THE PLANETS...THE NOOSE!
TheGOLDENWALRUS I was amazed after seeing this film. When my boss even said this film was awful and he likes all the cheesy sci-Fri movies such as the cave I had to believe it with my own eyes. I work at an independent video store so we get quite a few b movies. I was in for a disturbing treat. I have now seen the worst sci-Fri movie in years.The movie had to been made with maybe 1,000 dollars. The acting had to be voluntary and the movie had to of been shot with a sony hi8. The audio was very muffled and unclear.The movie took place in who knows where. The directer says its a spaceship. The first 35 minutes took place in what it looked like bunkbeds painted white. The "beast" was just a guy with a terrible hairy suit.With all this saying I would recommend this movie. A good movie to show in class on how to make a bad film. In fact the only reason I'm not giving it a 1 is two reasons. 1) Its so bad that some parts are funny such as when you hear crunching noises. A girl asked "What is going on" The man replies "She is being devoured!" It was very funny to me. You have the perfect examples of how bad movies can get (especially the audio). 2) The way the movie was distributed. I don't know how I saw the movie for sale at Best Buy but it is amazing. They had about four laying on the table ready to be bought. I bet they sent them all back after a week! They also distributed the movie the same week that War of the Worlds came out. This will get people confused on buying the wrong movie. Very smart.I give the directing a 1, acting a 1, editing a 1, and storyline a 1. It really was that bad.
Vincent Rocca Terrarium is an excellent sci-fi flick done in the tradition of Aliens. The sense of claustrophobia looms as the director puts you in a ziploc bag, waiting and wondering if, and when, the monster/alien will come back to eat you.The movie is chalk full of scary scenes that had my wife jumping and covering her eyes. The filmmakers choice to revel small glimpses of the monster works brilliantly and is very reminiscent of horror from yesteryear.The '70s synthesized soundtrack compliments the movie perfectly. It really gave a sense of the classic Corman sci-fi.If you like Sci-Fi, you will definitely appreciate Terrarium.