| 28 March 2014 (USA)
Ten Trailers

Ten women spend the night in a supposedly haunted mansion on Spektor Island in December 1972. Crazy superstitions don't stop them from raiding the wine cellar and throwing a party, at least until the first murder.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
John Predrag I love horrors and small budget independent movies in this genre, because I often find decent ones with very original plots. Ten is one of such movies! It is not a standard horror flick, and with elements of thriller and drama, its story is deeper than you'd expect. It explores personalities of ten women, with completely different personalities, in a stressful situation. In a way, their characters are sometimes overacting, so acting is not superb as some reviewers would like, but only because it is not meant to be superb. The viewer should examine the subtext and themes behind the story lines to truly understand and appreciate the movie. I liked it and give it a score of 8/10!
djangozelf-12351 This was one of the baddest acting i've seen in my in tire life.The rest of the elements for making a good movie are non existent and to begin with a done to dead story is also a wrong bet. Van Damme! this movie was bad.This is of course the telling of the ten little Indians and was done properly before with the movie"identity". In this flick it are ten women this time and by the tenth being introduced I all ready had a feeling this would be,worst than B,bad.I stuck with it a little longer hoping it would have some cinematic value but it just doesn't posses that quality.So,please don't watch this movie or otherwise these idiots will actually think they did something good with this movie.Your even better of(can't believe i'm saying this) to read the original book by Agatha Christie.This is another one I would rate minus 10 if I could and that would be a lot easier than writing ten lines about this dribble.Best described as an amateur home movie made by numbskull's.DO NOT WATCH THIS!!!
Riotboy-1 The movie poster looked interesting so why not... This is something special, something different. Hollywood maybe out of ideas with remakes, reboots, re-imagining, but this is a little film that shines brighter than a thousand suns.I didn't know what to expect when I started watching this film, to be honest I thought this was a sub-par horror film. Boy was I wrong! What year is this? Where's her face? Why can't they see them? These are only a few questions they will leave you on the edge of your seat. At times I laughed until I stopped. I highly recommend smoking a bowl before hand or drinking you favorite alcoholic beverage and enjoy a bizarre tale of mystery and suspense.
Ricky Rick Ten is my favorite sort of movie. It's difficult to explain completely without spoiling elements of it, but I'll give it a try.First, I think it's a movie that is not at all to be taken literally. The story and the characters and the acting aren't meant to be like they are in a standard movie. It's not a movie about figuring out a plot twist. It's also not really a satire movie, though I think a lot of people might interpret some of it that way.Ten is a sort of allegory about how we go out into the world and put on masks to be whoever we need to be at that moment. It is about how we all have a whole bunch of different faces and identities and how we can shift between them rapidly.The movie is an experimental one in many ways. A lot of people who watch it might say it's not a scary horror movie, or it's not a good mystery, or the twist was too strange, but they are all really missing the point. I think if you are an intellectual viewer who also likes classic horror, Hitchcock, noir, and mystery films, you should give the movie a chance because you might get it. And if you get it, it's a really good and unique one. If you don't, well, you should probably go back to watching run of the mill horror or something. This isn't the movie for you. I suspect you'll see a lot of split reviews between people who are watching this to see a "normal" horror movie and people who are looking for something more.