Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon
Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon
PG | 11 May 1970 (USA)
Tell Me That You Love Me, Junie Moon Trailers

Junie Moon is in the hospital after her face has been disfigured by her deranged boyfriend. There she meets two other patients — Arthur, an epileptic, and Warren, who is gay and uses a wheelchair. The unlikely trio of outcasts decides to move in together and manages to enjoy a series of adventures as they endure various forms of prejudice and struggle with their own issues.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
The_Rook Junie Moon is an interesting friendship movie. Great unusual characters that band together and help each other. Junie becomes terribly disfigured from a mean man. She finds herself relying on other people with there own special problems. The characters will grow on you. Good acting, directing, and decent sets. It has been years since I saw it at the theater. I still have never forgot it because of the types of people and how they dealt with their personal problems. I would definitely buy it if it was available on DVD. Not appropriate for young children. Some adult situations. To bad it isn't out on video of any kind. Until it is check out "The Station Manager", another great unusual friendship movie.
moonspinner55 Moving film about three quirky characters (an epileptic, a paraplegic homosexual, and a facially-scarred party girl) living together in Massachusetts and the fish-market salesman who comes to love them. Otto Preminger directed, and he shows unexpected sensitivity towards just about everyone here, especially epileptic Ken Howard, a little boy in a man's body who gets great care by the filmmaker. Liza Minnelli is the film's star, and if she occasionally falls back on her trademark razzmatazz (with a little Broadway inflection), that's OK because Junie Moon is supposed to be wild and goosey, and Liza's theatrics are suitable. A sweet, slowly-paced story with humor and pathos picks up when the gang vacations at the beach and the gay man (celebrated stage director Robert Moore) falls for a stunning black beach boy (Fred Williamson, making a strong impression)--and yet ends up making love to an equally stunning black woman?? It doesn't all come together, but it does feature superb performances, melancholy folk music (which grows on you) and some extremely well-written and well-directed moments. Marjorie Kellogg penned the script from her own novel, and it is nearly verbatim (if you like one, try the other). An interesting attempt at something a little different--and it works. ***1/2 from ****
sissypower And I'm lapping from a deep Liza Renaissance trough right now ... having screened NEW YORK, NEW YORK & CABARET with a friend in the past couple weeks, caught LUCKY LADY & TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME, JUNIE MOON on cable in the past 48 hours, with THE STERILE CUCKOO coming on within the next 24 ... Even dug into boxes during the wee hours this morning to recover the almost forgotten Pet Shop Boys produced RESULTS album ... this is scaring me! No scarier I dare say than Otto Preminger's scatter shot continuity on this picture, its stunning relentlessness at bleeding a tender hearted menagerie of social outcasts dry, Ms. Minnelli's rubbery lattice work of a facial scar... all quite hard to believe yet unforgettable.
kealakai I never got to see the end and have been looking for this movie ever since. I am a BIG Liza fan. How can I let Paramount know that I would buy this if available on video? I recall it as sad and funny, with very quirky characters.