Teenage Zombies
Teenage Zombies
PG | 12 November 1959 (USA)
Teenage Zombies Trailers

A crazed scientist creates a nerve gas that turns the local teenagers into her unquestioning slaves.

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Scott LeBrun Yet another masterpiece from that ever reliable Jerry Warren, "Teenage Zombies" tells of two young studs, Regg (Don Sullivan, "The Giant Gila Monster") and Skip (Paul Pepper) and their two girlfriends Julie and Pam (Mitzie Albertson and Brianne Murphy). For kicks, they like to go water skiing. They end up marooned on an isolated island, held captive by mad scientist Dr. Myra (Katherine Victor), who's conducting experiments in making mindless slaves out of humans.Although one of Warrens' better efforts, relatively speaking, this is still bad enough to induce some hearty chuckles. Good atmosphere regularly competes with a sometimes dull and plodding pace, and a script with more talk than action. Among the delights on display are a wild gorilla (Mitch Evans) and a hulking, blank eyed henchman named Ivan (towering Chuck Niles, who's an absolute hoot). Since Dr. Myra is being bankrolled by enemies of the state, this allows for some intrigue as part of the scenario - but don't expect very much in the way of actual "teenage zombies".The acting in this sort of fare may never have been destined to pick up lots of awards, but it's sincere enough to get the job done. Regg and Skip are strapping heroes who engage in scuffles and fisticuffs with the bad guys, while Julie and Pam aren't required to do much. Victor, who was a Warren regular, is pretty amusing as the aloof, evening gown wearing Dr. Frankenstein wannabe. Mike Concannon is good as the local Sheriff who has a twist in store for all of us.Must viewing if you totally dig the groovy and cheap side of 50s sci-fi cinema.Five out of 10.
wbswetnam I downloaded this black-and-white film for free (it's public domain) from the Archive.com website. It is about six teenagers (three boys / three girls) who stumble across a sinister Russian plot to zombify major American cities. The experiments for this plan are being carried out on an undiscovered island "thirty or forty miles out" on a lake (?!!). Four of the curious teenagers are taken captive by a creepy woman scientist and her hulking zombie man-servant, and the other two attempt to save them and thwart the Russian plot.Well folks, it's not quite as bad as Monster-A-Go-Go in my opinion but it's just about as bad. The teenage actors are total no-names who were probably paid 50 bucks each to appear in this waste of celluloid. Their acting is what I would expect of some high school sophomores who were looking for a way to get out of summer school that summer. As noted by other reviewers, the "cage" they were held in was a complete joke, the "night" sequences were bright as midday, and the bumbling Russian agents were equally as laughable. All in all, it's really a terrible film. I don't believe it was ever lampooned by the MST3K crew; too bad - Teenage Zombies was an oversight on their part.
johnstonjames this was pretty stooooopid. the only thing missing were those cute little Bots or Abbot and Costello.usually i give movies that are so bad they are good ten star ratings because they actually do constitute good entertainment and are often footnotes in cinema and Hollywood history. i only gave this film one star because i wanted to make a point that not every retro bad flick is always that noteworthy. there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy or exceptional about this. don't get me wrong. it was really, really bad and embarrassingly cheap, but it was pretty typical of the rip off crap they usually tried to take drive-in audiences for a lot around this time period. i'm surprised half the drive-in didn't honk their horns, demand their money back, and make a hasty exit for their home TV sets when seeing stuff like this. i mean like whatta rip.it was pretty funny though. but this lacked the silly imagination of a Eddie Wood or the inane craziness of a 'Skydivers' or Arch Hall movie. the filmmakers arrived at their knuckleheaded conclusions out of a sort of mundane, pedestrian lack of imagination that was sort of a turn off. the monkey suit was tardo but not nearly as over the top as Ro-man. the teen-agers didn't really interest me except for hoping that someone might kill them. the so-called scientist looked liked Gloria Vanderbilt or something. Ivan was kinda scary though.the only redeeming thing of interest here was the premise of the "zombification". the reason for it was to turn the entire population of Amerika into a bunch of "easily controlled slave workers". Hmmmmmm. seems eerily familiar to the mindless protestant work ethic practiced in the work force of today. maybe this movie is relevant after all.
Scarecrow-88 A South American scientist, experimenting on a gas capsule which will turn Americans into mindless zombies to control, has an island laboratory with test subjects. Four teenagers find the island while on a boating trip, stumbling upon zombies and the scientist, with a hulking slave named Ivan who obeys her every command and subdues the kids, imprisoning them. The teenagers' friends and their local law enforcement will conduct a search for them. Producer/director Jerry Warren probably gathered together some actors and friends from the local Playhouse theater to star in this corny, no-budget horror/sci-fi schlock using mad science, mind-controlled human zombies, and the commie threat as themes for his movie. The "golly, gee whiz!" acting style, with all the heightened melodramatics, from the "teenagers" (they all look like they are in their twenties) can become tiresome, unless you get a kick out of these sorts of performances—instead of talking to each other, we get a lot of "loud" conversations where the cast attempt to put emphasis on the dialogue. The sets are as cheap as you can expect from a Warren production. There are sidesplitting scenes where the adults talk down to the teenagers, like when the sheriff scolds two kids who come to him believing the scientist on the island is holding their buddies hostage, as if they were uneducated children. There is a nice twist involving the sheriff and his association with the scientist which comments on what Hitchcock presented in the film SABOTEUR, that there are those hidden within our country who are secretly plotting against us. There is also an amusing scene where the teens duke it out with the scientist and two of her "clients" working for a hostile country who wants to use America as slave labour, permanently controlled with the capsule once it is perfected. TEENAGE ZOMBIES is the kind of movie shown at the drive-in playing while the teenagers were more concerned with making out than the plot or characters; the movie was basically just background noise. Ivan reminded me of Torgo from MANOS:THE HANDS OF FATE, except he never talks or trembles/fidgets. You even have a guy in a gorilla costume (you know, it's a gorilla used in the dangerous scientist's research who is turned loose to subdue the evil agents) and cheesy dialogue such as "Hey, anybody for horseback riding?!?!" Fans of such cinematic sludge, rejoice!
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