Tecumseh: The Last Warrior
Tecumseh: The Last Warrior
| 04 June 1995 (USA)
Tecumseh: The Last Warrior Trailers

This western began in 1812 when the settlers tried to take away more and more territories from the indians. Tecumseh, who is the leader of the Shawnee indians, tries to do something. He plans a big indian state, and tries to win the English settlers over to this plan...

Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Sillyhuron Tecumseh was the last great Eastern Indian leader. He tried to establish a pan-Indian confederation from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. He witnessed the destruction of an entire American army in 1793, the destruction of an Indian army in 1794, and died aiding the British during the War of 1812. Without him, Canada probably wouldn't exist today.So why aren't there any movies about him? This film, and a German(!) one from 1972, are the only ones on IMDb. You'd think a life like that would be the stuff big movies are made of. Anyway, this film is a decent attempt at telling the story that doesn't fall into the Indian-movie clichés. People don't stand around mouthing Deep Sentiments. The battles (especially Fallen Timbers, the big Indian defeat)are very well staged. Jesse Orego,Lorne Cardinal, and Gregory Cruz are three lively lads. My favourite moment in the film is when they spy on "Mad" Anthony Wayne, the American general. "MAAAD Anthony", one of them calls him - like he's a total wacko! Tantoo Cardinal has another thankless role as Tecumseh's mother. (She always has to play long-suffering native types. She needs to do an urban comedy!) The only real problem with this film is... you know it's going to be a downer at the end. The good guys ain't gonna win, folks. For it's attempt to at least tell a great story, though, this is worth a try for any history lover.
BigLaxFan94 I believed this to be a real inspiring film since it tries to give viewers the most accurate depiction possible on what Tecumseh did in his remarkable life by wanting to unite all the Native Nations from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. Although he didn't quite succeed in his goals, it was the fact that he came ever so close in succeeding; and IF he did, every white settler living east of the Mississippi River would have been pretty much driven out since they would not have been able to survive the constant barrage of raids, attacks, etc.
lord woodburry Some of the greatest American leaders never lived in the White House; some never lived in any house; and many fought against the US. Tecumseh would have founded the Indian nation that the English wanted as a buffer state between the expansionist, aggressive United States and British territories remaining loyal to the crown.Tecumseh is the Machevelian leader par excellence. He preys on the Indian's superstitions; yet uses the White Man's medicine to predict eclipses and cement his sway over the Indians restive over US encroachments.America needs leaders like you says Wm Henry Harrison (David Clennon) Tecumseh has no use for the arriviste American nation. He wants to preserve the old ways: hunting and fishing.Yet as much of a rationalist as Tecumseh is he lives in the shadow of a deadly prophesy: he will fall in battle but if not raised by an Indian he and the indian nation he would found will down for the count -- for good. And this dire prophesy comes true at the Battle of the thames.Not recommended for the timorous US - er who believes in flowery (meaningless) speeches and empty oratory. Highly recommended for those who would like a study of leadership and objective history. Excellent performance by the cast especially David Clennon as the future president Wm Henry Harrison.
GetBackYouEightLeggedFreaks Wow. I haven't seen a film this bad in a really long time. Based on Tecumseh and his last days, uniting Indian groups to fight against William Harrison, this film does nothing to justify the historical points, and make it interesting. It seems as if they just decided to make a film with the same characters as events in the past, take the places and make a movie. The problem...we don't care about the characters. They are not fully developed enough to feel about what they're doing, or what they're working towards. It also doesn't help that it gets confusing trying to keep track of who is who. The actors are just plain bad as well, and the dialogue that they're given is just laughable and comes off as cheesy.THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH THIS FILM IS: NO BLOOD! I thought that these wars were supposed to be bloody? If you're trying to make a movie with wars historically accurate, blood is a must to fully draw the viewer into the film. It makes you feel as if you are actually present, watching the events unfold before your eyes. These types of movies, should not even be allowed to be TV-Movie-ized, or suffer from non-gore, family-friendly G, PG, or PG-13 ratings. Shame on Hallmark for this. That is probably the highest factor in this film's bad rating. Let this be a note in the future to all companies making war movies.Rating: Unrated, but Made-for-TV (Contains-Nothing objectionable except the bad acting, dialogue and unrealistic war sequences).Final Grade: 1/10