Team Spirit II
Team Spirit II
| 10 December 2003 (USA)
Team Spirit II Trailers

Time is not standing still for the teammates of soccer team 'Eendracht Vooruit'. Erik (Tom Van Landuyt), the team captain, tries to keep them together since a lot of the player getting children. In particular, Jean-Marc who's having triplets but has difficulties to handle them and Franky Leemans who can't have children and tries to adopt one.

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Cody One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
feyaertsmieke I don't believe they made this film. Completely unnecessary. The first film was okay. But there was no need for a sequel, certainly not after a television series that was already a sequel to the first film. This film feels like a soap-opera. The writing is so bad, it's utterly simple. The jokes don't come across, the acting is flat, it's shot like a soap, it lacks any direction. The first film had a good emotional spine behind it. Every character had a little arc. It was very simple then but somehow it worked and I could see the merit of that film. But this time around, there is no cohesive story-line. The characters are dull stereotypes and nothing interesting happens. One good thing: the Brazilian boy who plays Axel Daeseleire's son is pretty well cast. That was their one moment of creative success on this film. I hear they already shot a second television series as a sequel to 'Team Spirit 2' but please God, don't let them make a third feature installment...
Azaar I watched the first Team Spirit just before I went the same day to the cinema to watch the second one.About the first one I only can tell that I enjoyed watching it. Ok, the story is easy, some friends in a café football team, but I didn't feel bored one sec! And also the music was just great (for example, Jan Leyers)! The feeling I had about the second one is even better. I left the building with a big smile on my face. The actors are almost all the same as in the first, only a bit years older and the friendship is still alive. The rest you have to go see yourself... I only can say that the movie made me smile, made me feel sometimes a bit sad and especially made me see that life is easier if you have friends who are there for you.Heads up for Jan Verheyen and his crew. Belgium is not Hollywood I know but a good movie is a good movie!
ifmatica I begin with confessing that I already saw this movie twice by now! And I don't regret it!Look, of course, this is a feel-good-movie! You could have seen that one coming! If you don't like that kind of films, you shouldn't have gone in the first place! You can't expect every new Belgium movie to be a new Daens or Anyway the wind blows! I, for once, think that Team Spirit 2 is a perfectly enjoyable movie! So did my mother, my best friend and I guess everyone who bought a ticket that night I went! Because everyone laughed during the movie and everyone came out with a smile on their face! And if that is a bad thing, then I don't know what 's wrong with the world!I do agree on one point! The advertising is horrible! It just gets annoying! I started hating the colour yellow!!! But if the advertising was necessary to make the movie (budget), I might as well accept it! Because anyway: the movie is worth its price!! So go and see it!
blackbird_00 This movie is just plain bad. Weak story , weak directing and below average acting. The thing that really irritated me was the blatant advertising - constantly - for a well known internet provider. It is obvious some scenes are written to do just that , advertising. This movie is a slap in the face to anyone who payed money for this.Do not watch this, it not worth your time.