Taxi 4
Taxi 4
| 10 February 2007 (USA)
Taxi 4 Trailers

Before being extradited to Africa to stand trial, a notorious Belgian criminal is entrusted to the Marseilles police department for less than 24 hours. But the wily crook convinces bumbling policeman Emilien he's a lowly Belgian embassy employee who got railroaded by the brilliant master criminal.

Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
gridoon2018 The fourth and last (so far) entry in the long-running "Taxi" series is a mild disappointment. There are few car-chase-and-crash thrills, and lengthy talky passages have taken their place. Instead of a climactic chase, we get a belated "Scarface" parody. However, the enduring appeal of these characters, some good laughs ("Yes, the Belgian confessed everything. We used the opportunity to close a few other cases, too!"), and a fun cameo for football (soccer, for Americans) fans at the start help keep this sequel painless. One of its best points by far is the return of Emma Sjöberg as Petra. In this one, she goes undercover as a brunette, and she reminded me of Jennifer Garner in one of her "Alias" disguises. In fact, considering her Amazonian looks and matching fighting abilities (briefly shown here, but showcased better in "Taxi 2") it's a wonder that her film career basically consists only of this series and a Dennis Rodman vehicle. (**)
kosmasp The overall impression here on IMDb is, that this movie is bad (maybe even badder than part 3). But I think this is a vast improvement on part 3. Especially the beginning, where you get all the silly action you were used from the first two parts, woven into a "real event" (a soccer thing).Again there will be many things that will challenge your brain, but this wasn't any different in the previous movies. What is different, are the car chases (there are fewer shown here). But then again, how many car chases must there be? I think there are enough car chases to be found here. The silly story is good enough and most of all, I felt the same flair as I did, with the original two Taxi movies. And I think it's a good thing, that one character that was present throughout the first three movies, is absent in this one (I guess it was due to the fact, there was no agreement with that person, but it still is better for the movie, because there is more time for other things).
martinsleipnes this is the first serious comment I'm trying to make on I'm a serious movie lover --> i watch a lot of movies.i don't care if this comment doesn't make it till the front page, for everyone to read, but i just got to get this of my chest: this is, by far, the worst movie i have ever seen. bring me "glitter", bring me "crossroads", bring me "spy kids 3d", bring me "son of the mask".if i had the choice of watching the four movies listed over in a Saturday night movie marathon, i would seriously have problems making the right decision.the acting i terrible, the script is some of the worst i have ever seen, the plot is hopeless, the action scenes are dull and short, the humor just simply isn't there.i only got one question left why did i pay real money to watch this?
paylasim Bad Movie :( Such a sorrow in the heart is to say this is the dumbest thing produced by Besson ever. No wonder why such a brilliant actor as Marion Cotillard have decided to not participate. The so called plot is being tied with white string all over, not to say about the moronic behaviors of all characters. Monsier Besson obviously was in deeper need of cash, there is no other explanation of such a turkey. The final scene where commissar Gilbert is trying to demolish his entire team by shooting them first with machine gun then with missiles is so pathetic it's even funny. Hopefully this is the very end of the merchandise. This movie does not deserve 10th line but here it is - I give it 1/10 just because of the old glory.