Taming of the Fire
Taming of the Fire
| 05 May 1972 (USA)
Taming of the Fire Trailers

About Russian space program and missile industry, and it's founder Sergei P. Korolev, from the 1920s to the first man in space in 1961.

Micransix Crappy film
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Peereddi I was totally surprised at how great this film.You could feel your paranoia rise as the film went on and as you gradually learned the details of the real situation.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
gaidar69 Ukroshcheniye ognya (1972) is probably among several most important visual documents of the 20th Century Russian\Soviet history. The film was made in dangerous times of the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the USA, when the two superpowers were about to destroy each other with nuclear missiles. Deadly Russian missiles and nuclear explosions, and more interesting stuff is superbly shown in this epic film. It isn't important that the leading character is based on Sergei Korolyov, who was the number one rocket scientist in the Soviet Union. More important about this movie is the rare view through the Iron Curtain, an original insight into the Kremlin politics, some intriguing atmosphere of Soviet secrecy and enigmatic ambiance of Russian military science of that era. Lavrov's acting is superb, as he leads a nice ensemble of top Russian stars, such as Smoktunovsky, Kuznetsova, Gerdt and Popov with other actors. Excellent cinematography with two cameras. Powerful depiction of the first military use of missiles during the Nazi invasion of Russia in WWII. Interesting shots of Russian space centers and rare footages from the original flight of Gagarin - the first man in space. This epic is a desirable collector's item.
mishenko323 This film was definitely a pride of the Soviet film industry just a few decades ago. It is still quite an interesting 3-hour movie to watch even today, when masses of viewers are spoiled with crazy special effects. Space wars are shown from the Russian side in this epic film. The director's job is impressive and cinematography too. The film is also interesting because it includes rare black and white documentaries of the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, and several shots showing rockets taking off from the Baykonur Kosmodrome in Kazakhstan (at that time it was part of the Soviet Union). Famous Russian actors, such as Lavrov and Smoktunovsky did a good job.
hamag This is a real epic about the developing of rockets and spaceships in the Soviet Union. The character called Andrei Bashkirtsiev is actually Sergei Koroliov, the "father of soviet spaceships". I don't know why they didn't use his real name, maybe some sort of "state secret"?. In this film there is also a scene where another famous scientific appears: Kurchatov the maker of the first soviet atomic bomb. Also the actor that does the role of Yuri Gagarin resembles quite much the real one. Photography here is excellent and also the music. It's a very well done score. I saw this film a couple of times more than 30 years ago and I still remember the scene when they take the big rocket out of the hangar en route to the launching pad. By the way, the dialog between Gagarin and Bashkirtsiev/Koroliov was the real one (as Gagarin told later): Koroliov: What would you think of a flight into space? just a small trip to and fro. Gagarin: It's OK if there's enough fuel. I still remember that phrase when he is shown the first prototypes of jet fighters: "Piervava liubov" ("First love") because he started thinking about building jets but then dedicated himself to rockets. The famous "Katiushas". Among the many historical characters depicted here there is a very important one: Konstatin Tsiolkovsky. He was interpreted by the famous classical Russian actor Innokenti Smoktunovsky.
Vladimir Dmitriev First man in space was Russian... This movie depicts step by step evolution of Soviet space program from military rocket system "Katjusha" till first space ship "Vostok". Head character is based on real person Serguei Korolyov, the father of Soviet space program. Nice subject, nice music...