| 02 December 2002 (USA)
Taken Trailers

Taken spans five decades and four generations, centering on three families: the Keys, Crawfords, and Clarkes. World War II veteran Russell Keys is plagued by nightmares of his abduction by aliens during the war; the Roswell incident transforms Owen Crawford from ambitious Air Force captain to evil shadow government conspirator; the unhappily married Sally Clarke is impregnated by an alien visitor. As the decades go by, the heirs of each are affected by the machinations of the aliens, culminating with the birth of Allie Keys, who is the final product of the aliens' experimentation and holds the key to their future

Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Bumpy Chip It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
primacag-219-477782 Steven Spielberg has two themes in his work...close encounters with things we don't understand, and heroes. This combines both of them, representing people as human, life as unpredictable and uncontrollable, except for those few moments in which we get to make a choice. Dakota Fanning's narrations are made with a fully adult command of her voice, and and a more than adequate ability to use her face and body to convey what is going on in her head. The other characters confuse us in the beginning, but we eventually find out that there is no great alien menace, only ourselves and how we treat each other. You should watch this. It is well done, has great production value, rarely asks you to suspend belief for no cause, is well executed, with great period props and mannerisms. Aside from only a very few moments, the acting and writing is superb. All in all, a possibly transformative experience for those who do not know how to deal with the unknown.
ctomvelu1 I could not warm up to this very long miniseries when it debuted, although I am watching it again on Syfy and hoping for a better feeling toward it. The plot takes place over decades ands has to do with alien visitation -- and I don't mean our unwanted visitors from south of the border. It plays more like a soap opera than anything else. Spielberg simply is not Quinn Martin, and "Taken" is not "The Invaders." It lacks suspense and excitement and fails to hold my interest. A big cast featuring several familiar faces does its best. But its best just isn't good enough. If someone would edit this down to a 2- or even 3-hour movie, I would be more than glad to give it another look-see. Shot in Canada.
Samiam3 Despite itss slow parts, We all loved Close Encounters of The Third Kind...right? well imagine Taking Close Encounters and stretching it out into twelve episodes. Just imagine how slow it would be then. Well if done correctly, such an idea could work exceptionally well. hence, we have Taken, Spielberg's and Dreamworks' return to the sky and who or what is beyond. An outstanding mini-series, which when it wants to be can evoke every emotion. sometimes it's grim sometimes it's utterly heart-warming, though the series as a whole is dark, it has incredible mystique. My advice is that you dedicate one week of your life to watching taken, one episode a night, although it's good enough that you may go through it in only two or three nights.Starting with the Roswell incident of 1947, Taken chronicles three generations of Three different families leading up to the present day. they all have a part in this incredible story of a visit from other beings, who want something from us which they have waited a long time for.There are not many names in the cast, I'll say that. The only ones people may recognize are Datoka Fanning and Heather Donahue (Blair Witch). which I wouldn't say there are any award worthy performances, everybody is invested enough to be convincing, especially Fanning.I guarantee that unless you have a tree second attention span, You will come away from Taken with an amazing Television experience.
sinful-2 If you are going to watch this series let me suggest you watch the recap in the start of the first 4 episodes and nothing more. The episodes fill 4 times 1 and a half hour with a story that easily could have been told in a normal 45 minutes episode.What especially bothered me in these episodes was the narrator that sounds like Minnie Mouse and maybe makes sense later in the series but not here.The characters are also unbelievable thin and have no real soul in the first 4 episodes. The actors cannot be blamed for this as the script is near non existent. Throughout the series you will know what will happen 10 minutes before it happens. At least in the last 6 episodes Dr. Chet Wakeman enters as a brilliant character and well acted. The rest of the characters also becomes a bit more interesting and not as shallow as in the start. The last 6 episodes are alright entertainment but never reaches higher as it is still predictable all the time.What was my feeling was they had seen SG-1 about the Asgard's problems and then had decided to make a non action series about it.I was pretty disappointed about abductions in this series too.All in all first four episodes the crew should be forced to see for eternity and the 6 last was okay entertainment. Not more complex stories than in a general action movie (it has no action though). I would call it an alien soap.