Table One
Table One
R | 01 January 2000 (USA)
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Four friends (Stephen Baldwin, Michael Rooker, Luis Guzman and David Herman) who are misfits in the New York City social scene have trouble meeting available women. They come up with the idea of opening a trendy restaurant -- funding their new venture with the help of a local gangster -- in hopes of attracting a large female clientele. It's one comedy situation after another as they stumble through their various misadventures.

Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nolalvac1 these are your typical hustler wannabees. it's funny to those of us familiar with the undesirable types of new york city. for the low budget this film presumably has, we can appreciate it for fulfilling it's purpose. burt young plays a guy who is similar to what his character of paulie in the rocky series would have turned out like if rocky did not make it big and break him off. norman ( David herman ) plays the typical poser trying to embellish his way into hook-ups with woman out of his league. his attempted conquest is a little prudish that we have all met and wasted our time on. if anything this film will appeal to the fans of "waiting" although make you laugh in a different way.
supercygnus This was a pain to sit through, and you'll find it quite trying for every mind numbingly uncool moment in this movie of supposedly "cool" guys. The acting all around is embarrassing (even great character actor Guzman is uncharacteristically inept here) and the production values are distractingly cheap. Perhapd most irritating here is the usually funny David Herman (Office Space) who portrays one of the most obnoxious lead characters of any genre in a long time. Stephen Baldwin breezes in and out coasting on the fumes of his once great charisma to collect his paycheck and look smug. This is recommended only as an endurance test for masochistic viewers hell bent on finishing any movie they start (and I guess in this case I am one of the troubled few). This type of film has been done better ("MADE" by Jon Favreau, lesser similar but just similar enough "SWINGERS" and "FREE ENTERPRISE") so why not watch one of those instead?
TheVid This is basically a bunch of New York fellas fraternizing at a posh martini bar, but a wisely chosen cast make the whole affair a genuine pleasure to watch. Subdued humor and keen comic timing gives this one an edge that overcomes it's theatricality and sitcom-style setting. Worth a look for the standout performance of Luiz Guzman, one of the screen's most underappreciated character actors. Delightful.
George Parker "Table One" tells of bunch of guys who go partners in a trendy restaurant with the hope that it will help them connect with available women. The motley crew involves the usual diversity required for comic relief (a gay guy, a gangster guy, a sports guy, a wacky guy, a straight man, etc) while 95% of the run takes place in the restaurant with the story moving from one sitcom scene to another. Uninspired, ordinary fare which is busily relaxed in its approach to comedy, "Table One" has little to fault and little to praise. A reasonably pleasant couch potato diversion. (C+)