Sworn to Justice
Sworn to Justice
| 01 October 1996 (USA)
Sworn to Justice Trailers

After masked attackers kill her sister and young nephew, a female psychologist takes the law into her own hands by acting as a defense witness by day and a ruthless avenger by night.

Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
leonardconstantin61 i don't think i've ever seen an actress that could do this things together in the same movie:she looks gorgeous in her costumes she wears,fights very well,she's involved in 2 very erotic scenes and acts very well.i don't understand why Cynthia wasn't appreciated for her role from this movie.every rothrock's fan should watch this movie because is almost perfect : has great fight scenes(one is in hk tradition with Cynthia fighting against an Asian guy),quick comedy,2 sex scenes and a sexual short scene,a decent story but very common unfortunately(because of that i said is 'almost perfect').this movie is on the same level with other great movies that Cynthia did in China like :Police Assassins,Righting Wrongs or Blonde fury.
aloep This is the third movie with Cynthia Rothrock movie I've seen after "Guardian Angel" and "Redemption". By popular opinion this is one of her best so if that is anything to go by, I will certainly not be actively seeking out anymore of her movies. While she demonstrates her martial arts skills to good effect in this, the plot is stupid, the production values are poor and above all, it's boring.Starting with the positives, I'll give Cynthia Rothrock credit in that she certainly knows what she's doing when it comes to the fight scenes. The choreography is pretty good and one such scene where she fights off robbers with a roll of tape is fun to watch and just about the only nice touch here. The rest of the action scenes are passable, although there's little that really stands out and they are far too few and far between. Much of the movie is mind numbingly boring and for much of the time I ended up turning towards my computer and doing other things, only glancing at it when something interesting happened rather than paying full attention to the movie. Half of the problem lies in Cynthia Rothrock herself. I'll give her credit that it does seem she's trying a bit harder than she did in "Guardian Angel", as her character is a little more upbeat and displays more than one facial expression throughout the movie. She is still not good though, but part of the problem lies in the character she is given. It's obvious they wanted the character to come off as sexy but it doesn't work. Dressing a short, muscular and dumpy looking 40 year old woman in short skirts and heels isn't fooling me. It also makes the character laughably unbelievable as a psychologist and even harder to like. Not only that, but this film has some of the least erotic sex scenes I've ever seen which I found myself skipping through.The rest of the movie is so dull and forgettable that I can barely remember it despite only having watched it a couple of days ago. However, one part that had me roaring with laughter was towards the end when the lead villain shows Cynthia Rothrock's character the burnt corpse of his dead brother. Instead of using a dummy, they have applied makeup to the actor himself and you can even see him blink! How hard is it to cut that? Such bloopers shows that nobody really cares, and neither should you.Overall I could never recommend this to anyone. Fans of Cynthia Rothrock (there appears to be such a thing) will watch it regardless but anyone expecting a good martial arts flick will be sorely disappointed. A poorly plotted, poorly acted, poorly paced flick with little action and no likable characters. Avoid.
Thomas Jolliffe (supertom-3) This is widely regarded as Cynthia Rothrocks best American movie, from director Paul Maslak. I can also safely say that it is. Despite a ludicrous plot which has Cynthia developing psychic powers when he sister and nephew are brutally murdered, the film is fast paced, fun and filled with neatly choreographed action. Not to mention Rothrock in her sexiest role yet. The film is wildly inconsistent with a comical action scene when Rothrock foils a store robbery, complete with sill sound effects as large men are made fools of. Also a very steamy martial arts display in a skimpy negligee from the Queen of flying fists. What helps though is a good cast helping Rothrock, who also gives her best performance, although that does not say a lot! Also starring is Kurt McKinney known primarily from No Retreat No Surrender. Then there is good support from Oscar winner Brad Dourif and Mako.The film has plenty of nice action and never gets boring while there is a good production value to this, especially compared to many other of Rothrock's movies. Standout scenes include the sexy Cynthia taking on several large men with some masking tape and defeating a warehouse full of bad guys. Cynthia is unbelievably sexy in this and the film overall stands out as one of her best achievements. ***
marychase I would recommend this movie to Cynthia Rothrock fans only... Her acting skills are almost laughable...still her fighting scenes are awesome. This movie seems as if it was written just for her, due to the martial arts scenes. But I would definitely say Cynthia has to stick to her martial arts and not her acting career.