Sweet Justice
Sweet Justice
| 07 April 1993 (USA)
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City councilor Susan takes bribes from Reevers and allows him to deposit his garbage illegally in an old mine. But when she learns that he also dumps toxic wastes which threaten the nearby water purification unit, she wants to cancel their agreement. She asks her ex-husband Steve, a cop, for help, but before he can do anything she's found dead. Her sister Sunny decides to take revenge with help of a couple of friends, who once formed a female martial fighting squad.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
jadzia92 Sweet Justice sees a female posse fighting against corrupt elements formed after the death of its leader's (Finn Carter) sister. I only watch this because it featured Kathleen Kinmont as a member of this posse and it is very good that she shows off her fighting skills in this movie. It was extremely nice that Kathleen was naked with the other female cast members in a sauna scene and it is not the first time that I have seen her naked with other women as her nude scene with Barbara Crampton in Fraternity Vacation is something I will always treasure. Sweet Justice culminates in a long-drawn shoot-out between the posse and their adversaries. Sweet Justice is only enjoyable if one leaves their brain at the door.Sweet Justice is of a curio to Babylon 5 as it featured Patricia Tallman and Marjean Holden who would later become regulars in Babylon 5 and its spin-off Crusade respectively.
movieman_kev Sunny (Finn Carter) gathers her kick boxing girlfriends and a cop (Marc 'the Beastmaster' Colton) to get revenge after her sister is killed by a toxic waste dumping creep by the name of Billy Joe (the late Frank Gorshin known always as The Riddler from the old Batman show). We know he's 'evil' from the get go because he smokes (the horror, the horror). OK so technically she's killed by a dog, but if the movie was about a gang of women using martial arts against canines, the movie would probably be slightly sillier (but probably marginally better) So anyways, obviously all the pretty girls can kick any man's ass from here to there and they do in their quest to bring Billy Joe down. So I guess one could classify this as a feminist eco-friendly action flick with one gratuitous hot tub scene. You know the kind Steven Seagal would be making if he was still a valuable commodity. The first half of this film is deathly dull as nothing happen and the film moves at a snail's pace, so much so that when the 'action' starts, even the most hardened B-movie veteran will be lulled to a near comatose state. This is one step above "Chickboxer" Eye Candy: Finn Carter, Kathleen Kinmont, and Cheryl Paris get topless Where i saw it: TMC My Grade: D-
John Seal This nutso action flick stars Finn Carter, the acting challenged daughter of former State Department spokesman Hodding Carter III, as Suuny Justice, a lady boxer out for revenge when her sister is murdered by local hoodlums. The fact that she boxes is referred to at the start of the film and then conveniently forgotten once she returns to her home town, where wicked Frank Gorshin has too many fingers in the pie. Unbeknownst to the locals (including Sunny's former main squeeze, a lawman played by Kevin Bacon-lookalike Marc Singer), she has had extensive training as a member of a super secret, all-woman Special Forces unit. When Sunny decides she's in over her head, she rounds up her fellow lady veterans, including Kathleen Kinmont and several other large-breasted women who enjoy soaking in hot tubs, for some good old fashioned man-pounding. This cut rate, direct to video feature from Triboro Films wishes it could have been produced by Golan-Globus. At least Gorshin seems to be having fun.
Mr. C.Ritics-2 I have seen this movie twice. Personally I am a big fan of these kind of movies in which you see lots of females fighting against men. In this movie -containing a ridiculous plot- the attractions are 6 beautiful girls revenging the murder of one of these girls' sister. All girls have been former military commando members but never been brought in service because they were supposed be too vulnerable according to a higher hierarchy. Sunny Justice who's sister has been killed by the corrupt sheriff gathers all former female members together to revenge the killing and to prove for themselves that they certainly can destroy men if necessary. All member are martial art experts and do some exercises before they come into action. When at one point the whole bunch of bad guys are in the village, the girls gang strike with brute force. What you see next are lots of m/f fights. In all the fights you see the men being beaten the shit out of them. Especially one scene shows an impressive fight between a busty girl (with the hair-band) beating the shit out of a man with nice kicks and punches. She finishes him with a flying kick in his chest. Later on in the movie the fights are done with guns and stuff. This shows less interesting scenes. But nevertheless if you like movies with a plot even a recent born baby can comprehend and you like goodlooking lethal babes, this movie is definitely a must rent.
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