Sweet Hostage
Sweet Hostage
| 10 October 1975 (USA)
Sweet Hostage Trailers

An escaped mental patient kidnaps an illiterate teenage farm girl and takes her to his mountain hide-away, where they soon become friends and, eventually, lovers.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Sober-Friend Leonard Hatch (Martin Sheen), a fugitive mental patient, kidnaps Doris Mae Withers (Linda Blair), a semi-illiterate farm girl, and takes her away to his remote mountain cabin. There the poetic Leonard becomes her teacher, friend, and lover. The story however is weird because it really doesn't cover what this young lady is going through and that's "Stockholm Syndrome"Entertaining but cringe worthy at the same time!
kccollins_23 I was nervous when this movie was shown on T.V. in the 70s. I had only seen Martin Sheen and Linda Blair in one one other film. Linda Blair in the Exorcist, and Sheen in Badlands.Sheen scared me silly in Badlands, and I remember sitting down and hoping not to be scared. Well not only did Martin Sheen scare me, he enchanted me, and made me fall in love with him.He and Linda Blair gave the best performances I had ever seen in a made for t.v. movie EVER! And after seeing this film again for the first time in nearly 40 years, I still loved it! My only complaint is the cheesy 70s soundtrack, but consider this was 1975. If you get a chance to watch this...DO IT!
tracy-275 What a treat to see this wonderfully sweet movie after all these years! I was 12 when it first came out. I'm 45 now, and saw the movie, just a few minutes ago, with new eyes.Martin is AMAZING in this. Brilliant! And, drop dead gorgeous! Any school girl, or a 45 year old's dream come true! Romantic as hell, in a tasteful manner.Linda looks lovely, and gives a wonderful performance. What a refreshing role from "other" role she did before this one.One complaint: The ending was too short and abrupt. Good ending, but they should of added at least another five minutes to it.Second complaint: We really aren't properly introduced to Leonard. Why was he in a mental hospital? Why did his marriage end, or had it? What was he planning on doing in a cabin in the mountains of New Mexico? Live out his days in peace, or end it?Looking back, the movie, or "Kubla Khan" couldn't of ended any other way. And, as already wisely noted, Leonard really couldn't live in this world. But, he changed someone's life along the way.Truly one of the 1970's very best!
kasadale I actually did not see this movie in 1975 but happened on it years later. That seems like a miracle now considering it certainly is never shown on T.V. anymore. I really got lucky then because for some reason I decided at the last minute to record it. Not knowing at the time how much I would love it, I had recorded it on an old tape on a raggedy VCR. To try and watch it now is really a strain, and I've tried everywhere to find another copy. Even a couple of years ago I showed my young teenage daughter the movie and now it continues to be one of her favorites. Sheen's dialogue in the movie was spellbounding and he performed it so from the heart...it is really hard to put this performance into words. I was so happy to find that there are actually other people out there who also love and appreciate this great film. I love it!!!!!!!