Swamp Zombies!!!
Swamp Zombies!!!
| 22 July 2005 (USA)

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A chief physician at a large metropolitan hospital is formulating a serum to resurrect recently deceased "patients".When his facility comes under inspection from the federal government, the doctor is forced to dispose of the "patients" as quick as possible even though they are in mid-experiment and he doesn't know if his serum even will work. With the help of the evil hospital operations manager, he manages to ditch the experiments in the neighboring swamplands. Little do they know, their serum works, the experiments rise to "life" and wreck havoc on a group of students conducting science experiments at the swamplands. With the help of a swamp hermit, a beautiful innocent bystander, a park ranger, and the police captain they try to piece together what has gone on... as well as survive

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
gojiseb Len Kabasinski should really be applauded for going back and re-editing his older films. Swamp Zombies had always been a fun movie marred by an overly long runtime. This new release trims it down from being over two hours long to being a solid 86 minutes. It flows better and is just a generally more satisfying watch. It's tons of fun and more or less delivers on what you'd want from a micro-budget zombie flick. It's not high art but it is exactly what the cover says.Make sure you pick up the director's cut and set your mind to its more relaxed level before watching and you're bound to have a good time.
Michael Ledo The film opens with a plot and subplot. Steven Stevenson (Logan Clark) dies in a vehicle accident while in a hospital. His mother wails. However this is a hospital that experiments on reviving the recently dead. The subplot (less complex) involves students going to the swamp on a field trip to collect samples to bring back and study. The plots collide when bodies from the hospital are dumped into the lake and reanimated.The film was too long at 2 hours and they could cut a random 30 minutes out (Not Jasmin St. Claire shower scene) and I don't think anyone would notice. It included some original "coffee house" style zombie songs. The main actors were fine, about college drama good, while the supporting actors were most likely walk-ons. Just because you are an EMT doesn't mean you can play one. The sound quality was uneven, having to choose between decent sound equipment and Jasmin's shower scene. I think they made the right choice, but in an alternate universe, they are getting both. Zombies were subject to pain when they are karate kicked and hit in the soft parts, yet feel nothing when a knife goes through their hand. Consistency would be nice.Guide: F-word, sex, nudity (porn star Jasmin St. Claire, Pamela Sutch, Amanda Simmons, Christina Linton-during end credits)
hocfocprod I'll admit, this movie was on "Prime", which I have mainly for shipping gifts, so it was essentially "free" for me. Or at least a bonus, so maybe I'm being easier on it than someone who paid for a DVD.Don't get me wrong, it's not a masterpiece of high production values, but if you've ever wanted to see a Zombie Kung Fu movie, this is it. Some of the fight scenes fall a bit flat, but the ones that stand out are when the character doing the fighting doesn't look like an action hero, but still manages to know some out of the ordinary moves. It's unexpected and fun to see someone you're sure will be a one bite and they're done victim throwing kicks and punches like a pro.I've noticed some other reviewers comment that black belts should be able to fight more convincingly. I'm sure that in real life they can, but on camera stunt fighting is actually very different from real fighting and much of how well it sells depends on the camera angle and rehearsals to build speed while keeping things safe. Overall, I thought most of the fight sequences were entertaining, if not entirely convincing.The zombies were plentiful, the plot pretty straight forward, and the pace wasn't bad for a near two hour flick. I'll admit, however, that it did take me three sittings to finish this one. Mostly it was something I switched to when there was nothing else to do or watch.Many people are correct that Jasmine St. Claire turned in one of the better performances of the movie and many of the cast members had moments when they seemed a bit lost in the dialogue, but that's to be expected of these micro budgeted features. Films like this are like community theatre. They're where aspiring pros cut their teeth and hobbyists play. There are quite a few scenes when background noise is a distraction between cuts, but one of the big obstacles of no budget is not being able to control your surroundings. When you're shooting on a beach you couldn't afford to rent from the county for the day, if some guy wants to run a weed eater, you can't really stop him. Like a few others who have commented here in the past, I'd love to see that missing hour of footage.
tcoll32 Swamp Zombies is the first production of Killer Wolf Films and it showcases the many talents of the director and crew. I loved the story and acting in this. The story is first rate all of the way. The story follows a group of people trying to survive an all out attack of zombies in the swamps of PA. What helps set it aside from the all of the other zombie films is the director's love of action and that he is not shy in show casing the many martial artists that are in the film. A personal favorite scene of mine is when the character Jack fights one of the zombies and the zombie fights back with near equal skill. If you are a fan of Killer Wolf's Curse of the Wolf then you will love this. It was great to see Dan Severin along with Brian "Blue Meanie" Heffron (with out blue hair no less)and Pamela Sutch. The blooper and outtake reel is also a lot of fun to watch as is the behind the scenes extra.