Survival Code
Survival Code
R | 06 May 2014 (USA)
Survival Code Trailers

Set in 2045, Vic, an ex-ultimate fighter, is the owner of the only airstrip, hotel and bar in the high Arctic frontier town of Borealis. He does his best to keep the peace amongst a vast array of clashing characters in this lawless international free zone that sits on top of the world’s last remaining oil.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Ian Yes, I really was thinking writer/director here but, no, apparently not.It's a good semi-who-dun-it type of movie right up to the ends when it just stops! Yep. Nothing more to say but a total waste of 2 hours. Whether the writers thought they were being clever or the director thought it was artsy, who knows but all of them fail miserably in any attempt at story.Or maybe we've just missed the sequel. Yeah, let's assume there's a sequel. Somewhere.But really, WFT!
Bob This film should server as an example of how not to make a film. The acting was below average. The plot and storyline and point to it all, was nonexistent. The music score lacked emotion and depth. Perhaps, a TV series could go into all the various directions they tried to explore in this film, in a coherent way. However, this film failed to do so.It would have helped if the film makers picked a few key points and created a full story from there, but that's asking too much apparently. Please listen film makers, of this movie and others. We, the audience, don't require you to make a movie that has a million complex unexplored angles. All we ask for is that you make it entertaining. After all this is supposed to be entertainment. Films should not be made to enrage the viewers for being kind enough to watch your film. The reason we do not flock to the theaters as we once did, is because film makers don't make movies worth paying to see anymore.I gave it a 1 out of 10, not because it was the lowest possible score, but because the creators of this movie went through pain-staking work to intentionally make a film that failed on every imaginable level. Viewers, save your time and do something more exciting, like watching grass grow. I hope this review saves you 90mins of your life. Happy hunting, from "Witness Protection" survivor Bob.
A_Different_Drummer I don't know the full story to this production, and IMDb doesn't pay me enough per review to do a forensic investigation of each title. (Actually, they don't pay me anything per review, but who's counting?) However, based on the provenance of the players (Director mainly does TV work, the star Olsson mainly TV, etc etc) I am going to go out on a limb and say this was intended as a pilot. Not bad. Not bad at all. The Canuck Sci-Fi machine has produced some amazing stuff in the last few years (Eureka remains my fave) and there are some great ideas here with solid execution. Essentially, a sort of futuristic deep-cold LONGMIRE (see my review of the same name). Olsson is astonishing. Somewhere there is a casting director in Hollywood who will notice this and, in my view, great things lie ahead for him. Some uneven performances, notably Karan Oberoi as a Dudley Dooright sort of local cop. The script does not give Oberoi much to work with, the costume dept. gave him a uniform that is always too clean and too pressed for the story, and generally all his scenes tend to break the flow of the production. Nice to see Jon Slan, one of the godfathers of Canadian film, in the hopper. This "film" was nominated for a bunch of Canuck awards, and won a few, There are worse ways to spend a rainy afternoon.
davidfurlotte Firstly, I am not a member of the crew, cast or production team before anyone attempts to try that angle. Just check out how many reviews I have done, and that perhaps might give you a clue.This movie shocked me because I never even heard of it or had it on my radar and to be blunt, I chose to watch it just to pass a little time before going to watch a "blockbuster" movie.The quality of all aspects of this movie are superb. I know that we have some talent in this country and this movie illustrates that.As I watched it, I recognized rather early on that this was obviously a pilot for a series and the ending really locked that theory into place. Additionally, it left me with a desire to see the next episode, so I truly hope that this will get picked up and broadcast prime time.If you haven't heard about it or seen it, please do give it a view and ENJOY.