| 13 October 2001 (USA)
Superstition Trailers

19 year old babysitter aupair Julie is accused of murder when the bed of the sheltered baby inflames. Is seems as if Julie possesses rare telepathic skills, that she cannot control. Her young lawyer fights for her in court and against the public opinion in Italy, who take her for a witch.

TinsHeadline Touches You
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
sniperdogruffo This is one of those foreign movies that gets my attention because the characters are mysterious and the setting is the way i like it: European.The story is intriguing and the ending confirms all suspicions the viewer can have and ends in a deja-vu sort of way, which I guess not a lot of people like because they're used to the Hollywood crap with happy endings and guy keeping the girl after all, well this is not the case, and it is refreshing that these kind of movies are still being made. Even if people still don't understand it, it's something that's nice to the eyes and to the ears.A mature movie deserves a mature audience, if anyone else differs with my opinion, then there's nothing I can do or even want to do.
arronizmiguel I'm not a critic and I believe THEY JUST CAN'T ENJOY ANY MOVIE. If you persevere you can find errors even on the CLOUDS!Me, a simple guy who loves to see movies, can ENJOY them without having to criticize anything, Just "Sit and Watch". Can say I liked the movie... or I didn't... And that's enough.For everyone belonging to this group, let me tell you, SUPERSTITION is a good movie, with that European feeling... Artistic, interesting, where you actually can use your imagination and be engaged with the story.The intervention of David Warner (one of my favorite Actors) is a blessing to the cast. The leading roles are very well done and the supporting actors too.Perhaps the use of a more "Hollywood-Style-use-of-Songs" are something that crashed on my brain, but nothing too serious.Movies in which a big part of them are spent on the Court room are something many will like from this one, since that's because a paranormal event, the better.The publicity tries to involve something more "Satanic", but that's wrong... paranormal has nothing to do with it.Don't try to find something like "The Exorcist"... This one might be considered as: "The X-Files meets Carrie"As I always say, NEVER back up any critic unless you have seen the movie. A decent effort well done..
mjw2305 Loosely based on a true story, Superstition is the tale of a British Au-Pair working in Italy, accused of using Witchcraft and Firestarting, after some fatal, fire related incidents. We then follow the story of her battle through the courts and her fight for innocence.The film has some decent acting and some quite disturbing scenes, but is largely forgettable and brings nothing new to the genre.It's OK if your desperate to see it, but if you have any doubt don't bother, it's probably not worth the effort.5/10For some decent Supernatural thrills, Try Sixth Sense, Stir of Echoes, What Lies Beneath or even Gothika, before you try this.
Mikew3001 This movie is based on a true story: In 1979 a British au-pair girl was working for an Italian family on the island of Elba and accused of firestarting and witchcraft after a few fatal incidents and a burnt-down house - the family told the judge she has caused the fires by "supernatural powers". She was accused guilty in 1982 but returned to England.The film shows basically the same plot with stunning Sienna Guillory as the au-pair girl Julie with supernatural powers. Mark Strong plays her lawyer Antonio who has to fight mainly against prejudices and the fundamental superstition of the people and the media. Director Kenneth Hope hasn't produced a copy of the doomy "Exorcist" and "Omen" horror movies, but rather a silent psycho drama with great actings by Guillory, Strong, Charlotte Rampling, Alice Kringe and David Warner. There is no happy end, a thrilling court room drama sequence and there are also some very surreal and disturbing dream sequences.If you relate "Superstition" to the horror movie genre, it's one of the best contemporary European genre productions apart from the boring popcorn horror movie remakes and teenie slasher trash of the current Hollywood productions.