PG-13 | 20 April 2002 (USA)
Superfire Trailers

A firefighter pilot blames himself for the death of his previous colleagues and gets a new assignment with a raging forest fire in Portland, Oregon, that has the whole city in jeopardy.

Cortechba Overrated
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
mightyjak If there was any way to rate this with negative numbers, I would. I can't even begin to describe the awful depths to which this movie descends. I am constantly amazed at the utter schlock created by people who actually get paid. I can only hope anyone involved in this movie is blacklisted forever.The magnitude of sheer ignorance in making this film is astounding and inexcusable. It's not like there aren't people who do this for a living every day who could advise as to how fire is actually fought. This is an embarrassment to my profession and to others who fight fire. Damn you all for making such a terrible movie.
dbltrack Not a good movie. At all. Extraordinarily unrealistic...even for a movie. The teenagers stumble out of the ravaged forest looking like they spent then night at a Holiday Inn, and then messed up their hair and put a little dirt on their faces. The firefighters, dead and alive, are in their personal fire shelters upside down...lying on their backs instead of huddled face down underneath the shelter...they're not sleeping bags! jeez. someone didn't do their research. And well in short...the movie was ridiculous. The story of real smokejumpers is pretty dramatic stuff. It's a shame this movie didn't do it justice at all. Really, really cheap attempt at drama.
George Parker "Superfire" tells of a raging forest fire from both the perspective of some innocents caught up in the blaze and the smoke jumpers and pilots who fight it. A melodramatic and obvious B-flick, what "Superfire" lacks in class, sophistication, and budget, it makes up for in busy-ness. For example, you got your hero with the bad rap and bad rep in a love/hate thing going on with the resident babe. You got your techno junk stuff which keeps you posted on the fire so everything's as obvious as the "E" on an eye chart. You got your plane held together with spit and a prayer and a bomb thingy which could cook off at any second. You got your cute girl and her mommy and friends helplessly caught in the blaze. You got your smoke jumpin' ground crew who's about to be stir fried. Etc. Etc. And, of course, you got your fire...lots and lots of fire. So, for all it's silly, hacked, contrived, and transparent nonsense, "Superfire" may keep you so busy and involved you don't notice the short side of the flick too much. I don't care much for fire flicks and yawned through "Backdraft". But, "Superfire" I just kind of grinned, bared it, and enjoyed. A must for fire freaks and a good couch potato watch for others. (C+)Note - If you like this kind of flick, check out Spielberg's "Always" (1989).
Advocate86 Superfire is a special effects-heavy telefilm that takes a look at the high-risk world of smoke jumpers and tanker pilots who must contend with a deadly phenomenon that is all-too-possible.In the forests of the western United States, where controlled burns are no longer policy and old timber reigns, three raging fires threaten to merge into a "superfire," the world's worst possible kind of fire with the explosive power to rival an atomic bomb. With a group of teenagers stranded in the forest and a residential development already overrun, two pilots and their ground team are the last line of defense to save an entire Oregon town from destruction.