NR | 09 January 1978 (USA)
Superdome Trailers

It's the biggest event of the year — the Super Bowl! But the star players for the Cougars, gathered in New Orleans for the big game, are preoccupied with some serious off-the-field issues. Dave Walecki's marriage to his wife Nancy is falling apart, while Jim McCauley is involved in a shady deal with a management firm that could destroy his career. But that's nothing compared to the real drama. There's an assassin killing off many of the team's personnel (as well as their chances of winning)!

SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
danielemerson This, in the right hands, could have been a decent thriller about match-fixing and murder, but the final result we see here is flabby, poorly paced and self-indulgent.A pretty decent cast, wasted. The multiple story strands could do with pruning, but the slow, talky nature of the more central scenes would still make the rest of this movie a bore. Even the action scenes lack drama.I have also seen the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version of this, but even Joel & the Bots struggle to inject much life into this poor effort.
RogerCampbell Make no mistake about it, this is not a very good movie. I just about hit the eject button on the DVD player to put an end to the nonsensical movie called Superdome. I stuck it out to the very end because I really like David Janssen, Peter Haskell, Susan Howard, and Tom Selleck. And I absolutely love the beautiful and talented Donna Mills....she is gorgeous in any movie. But even her beauty could not save this turkey of a film. The plot was about what you would expect, but the subplots were laughable. What really made them ridiculous was terrible casting. Whoever cast these stars in their roles didn't have a clue as to what they were doing. For example, Donna Mills' character pursuing an intimate relationship with David Janssen? Not believable. Even worse was the aging and overweight Ken Howard cast as an all-pro cornerback was just plain ludicrous. The only one that really was a good fit was Tom Selleck as the starting quarterback for one of the teams. Selleck was in great shape in his pre-Magnum days and looked comfortable in his roll. When I bought this movie and saw all these fine actors were in this movie I thought it might not be too bad....can't win them all I guess. I would not recommend this movie unless you have absolutely nothing else to do.
jerome_horwitz It's 1978, and yes obviously there are too many black players on the teams as well! Fans will be upset and certainly the 75,000 seats will be full, only less happy there are so many black players on the field! This made for TV Super Bowl movie is watchable. It's not much more, but it's really surprising the cast of talented actors that make an appearance (for the time), probably most notably Tom Selleck. Unfortunately any goodness Selleck brings to the screen, is quickly trumped by "actors" like Dick Butkus.It's a silly story about super bowl betting. PJ Jackson is charged by "New York" (read mafia) for ensuring the game ends for their favor, in this case a $10,000,000 bet. PJ is innocent enough, and seems to have a loose grasp by buying off a few people here and there. But things seem to fall apart for him. Another person, the unsuspected Lainie, takes charge. For a while, the mystery of murders isn't known for certain, but is revealed rather plainly at the final murder that Lainie is the new antagonist.It's a bad movie, but is watchable. The acting is decent, and the filming is OK. At least there weren't any silly typical 70s car chases (they have their place just not here). Just keep an open mind about past stereotyping and the cocaine era and you'll survive.2/10 (maybe a 2.5)
icehole4 Superdome is one of those movies that makes you wonder why it was made. The whole plot concerns someone trying to sabotage the superbowl, and all the attempts made to stop them. How Tom Selleck and Donna Mills' careers managed to survive this is beyond me. However, the most frustrating thing about it was THERE WAS NO FOOTBALL IN IT AT ALL! Avoid this one if possible.