Sunset of Power
Sunset of Power
NR | 22 January 1936 (USA)
Sunset of Power Trailers

Sunset of Power is regarded as one of Buck Jones' more meritorious Universal westerns. The heavy of the piece, grim-visaged cattle baron Neil Brannum, drives everyone around him mercilessly, including his own granddaughter Ruth. In retaliation, a caped-and-masked Spanish bandido stages nightly raids on Brannum's spread.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.