R | 10 January 1999 (USA)
Suits Trailers

A deodorant company with a product called "Smell No Mo" pits two rival ad agencies in a race to come up with a campaign for a new-fangled sanitary napkin called Vorcan. The advertising satire follows the New York firm of Cranston & Co. as they fight rival Hoffman & Partners. Cranston fires his creative director which puts a young copywriter with a literature degree on the front line, even though he doesn't want to be. The contest comes down to a schmaltzy campaign by Hoffman with music by Air Supply that uses the tagline "Vorcan: your own personal air supply." or a more down to earth campaign from Cranston of "The pad ain't bad!"

Micitype Pretty Good
XoWizIama Excellent adaptation.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
brothynn This movie is hilarious. Although it does have a little bit of cumbersome acting and it obviously didn't have much of a budget, it is a solidly funny movie with some great characters. I loved it the first and only time I saw it years ago on HBO or Showtime of something like that and I laughed my ass off. I spent 5 years as a Graphic Designer and found myself remembering it constantly, with the phrase "Aaaaaadvertising" going through my head with a smile. The only thing is that I can't seem to find it anywhere to buy. Netflix doesn't even have it and they have, like, everything. Before reading the stats on it, I was sure it was a small time Canadian film that only made it to pay cable. At any rate, if anyone knows where I can find this little movie on DVD it would be very helpful. Otherwise, if you haven't seen it and get a chance to, DO check it out. Besedes possibly being one of your only chances to catch it, it's very fun.
hdrad Advertising has never really been accurately portrayed on TV or in the movies. "Suits" does the best job of any show/movie in giving viewers a closer look at agency life. Maybe real-life creatives aren't all having sex in their offices (or I'm working in the wrong places), but most of what you see is spot-on. Sure, they take some license with certain characters (not all account executives are back-stabbing clothes-horses). But it wouldn't have been as interesting without a bit of exaggeration. I didn't really think it was a 10, but I rated it as such because I felt all the other ratings were too low.
odium5 I just saw this show, and actually kind of liked it. It was like a long sitcom in direction and production, but something enjoyable to watch. Had its moments. I recommend watching it when nothing else is on. as I did at 3:00am. Would probably watch it again. Even though I am not a big Robert Klein fan, it was good. Overall, I give it my cable TV rating. For more info on my rating system, you can email me.
JamieF I saw this on cable and it was OK. VERY predictable overall; written like a 1 1/2 hour sitcom, but there were some pretty funny moments, and some creative bits added in that I didn't expect. Entertaining but not a life changing experience. I gave it a 6 out of 10.