Suing The Devil
Suing The Devil
| 26 August 2011 (USA)
Suing The Devil Trailers

Luke O'Brien, a washed-up salesman turned night law student, decides to sue Satan for $8 trillion dollars. On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trial lawyers. The entire world watches on Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
blackmamba99971 Although I am a fan of Malcolm McDowell. I have a lot of reservations about the lead actor Bart Bronson. A man down, and out of faith losing his ability to comprehend of what it means to be a human being in this crazy world of ours. Sorry to say his acting was very hard to swallow. Corbin Bernsen, Tom Sizemore, and a few others who have cameo appearances do their bid well with their own parts. Except for the narration from Bronson every so often. Where did this guy come from? His voice, mannerisms, body language all said I just got out of the porn business, and now trying the real deal. His emotional outbursts did not bode well with his delivery especially during the court case. Yet in the same moment Malcolm responded brilliantly with each line he spoke. The story has merit. An original tale to say the least. The only other two I can think of playing the devil are Al Pacino in The devil's advocate, and Angel Heart with Robert Deniro as old scratch. Both films shone bright as the two method actors played Lucifer to the letter. Suing the devil had spotty areas, but all in all not a bad attempt albeit for Bronson's character, and very flimsy line delivery. But I don't mean remembering his lines, I mean the aural blandness with nearly no emotional balances to speak of. Everyone else did their part, which saved the film. Perhaps with some more in depth acting lessons Bart could be on his way to better scripts.
Gargantua Pantagruel I really enjoy watching Malcom McDowell on screen and I really like dark humor and sarcasm. By the title it should hit spot on but oh boy was I wrong... Could only endure this cinematic monstrosity going through 3 separate sittings throughout the week - If you can do it in less time, congratulations my friend for your virtues are greater than mine. At the end it is hard to believe so many actors (and McDowell included) would endorse such a cliché movie supporting religion.Hoped it would be a witty dark humor flick with Mr McDowell in it and all, thought it would be nice to see him as Satan...It is NOT that kind of movie at all; instead, very unfortunately, it is a cliché, Christian based and truly truly terrible acting from everyone, dare I say sort of like high school plays. A disappointment for a libertarian atheist like me, missed opportunity of producing a fun movie really.We end up with a mesh up of biblical quotes, Jesus loving statements, clichés and terrible acting. Barely any jokes about religion or anything else at all.It feels like it has been commissioned by a church of some sort but there's always this other possibility - this thing is so terrible that it could well be the work of Satan himself. Awful!
Sam Hilton The reason I give this a 3 out of 10 is because I gave 2 points to the script and 1 to Malcolm McDowell for his acting, which was still less-than-great and, frankly, quite cringe-worthy in the 2 or 3 instances he appears to be attempting an Australian accent.The main issue is the general terrible acting throughout the movie from the entire cast (McDowell excluded). Let's look at one of our lead actors, Bart Bronson; an essential unknown and for obvious reasons. From the start he failed to convey any convincing or scene-appropriate emotion or gusto in his voice, or any realistic posturing in almost every scene.*Spoiler Alert* In the scene where 'Satan' (McDowell) first enters the courtroom and appears to head up the entire courthouse, all of the visible cast start fanning themselves and commenting on the sudden heat. A simple scene yet with some of the most unconvincing acting and background dialogue I have ever scene. Not to mention, the fact that they may have just met Satan and they seem to not be very bothered.Another major issue is the sheer pace of the film. I understand that in a film like this, you need to get to where the action is (the courthouse) quickly but, not 12 minutes into the film, the first entire courtroom scene with Satan present is already over, leaving no time to explain anything in depth or build up any endearing information or background story on the characters. All in all, a film I would not recommend.
anoceanroars Where should i begin? Why am i easting my precious time reviewing this film, which it is a shame to even call it a film. Why is Malcolm McDowell? Did he owe someone a favour? Or is he willing to anything for a dollar? He seems to be doing a Jack Nicholson impersonation, even wearing the sunglasses throughout the film. The story is extraordinarily ridiculous and unfortunately lacks true comedy. It seems that someone took the subject too serious. If it had been funny, then it might be worth watching, but it is completely devoid of humour. In addition to the lack of story and humour, it lacks actors. The acting is either over-the-top or sorely lacking, especially from the lead actor Bart Bronson. Do yourself a favour, go outside, enjoy the sunshine or visit a friend or paint a wall and then watch it dry, you will get more out of it. There should be negative stars for films this badly written and acted.
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