Suicide Blonde
Suicide Blonde
| 10 November 1999 (USA)
Suicide Blonde Trailers

In the course of one crazy night, a down on his luck valet parking attendant loses a gangster's car and his heart to a dangerous blonde with a death wish.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
edmundmandolinski I agree with all the positive points of the 5 Positive reviews above. For me this film was a joy from start to finish. So much better than most of the big budget films coming out of Hollywood with their hackneyed, clichéd and boringly predictable plot lines, camera work, direction and editing. For me this low budget film beats most of those out of the park. So a big thank you and congratulations for excellent work from the director Eduardo Carrillo, and lead actors Dale Paris, Angel Boris and Tony Pacheco. If Eduardo Carrillo gets the breaks and financial backing his talent and skill deserves he could be in the same league as Tarantino.
Nick Damian So far - there have been 5 reviews of this movie - and astonishingly, they are all somehow reviewed as supposedly the best film ever made.Well, in reality, this is far from the truth.If the script was any worse, it would be un-produced.This has possibly the worst casting and setup and dialogue I have ever seen on screen.Casting for this is absolutely horrendous and they deliver their lines with as much spark and enthusiasm as a dying bird.There are far better bad movies out there to watch. If you like watching bad movies, you will have a huge selection to choose from. This ranks at the bottom of the barrel of the bad.Don't let the cover of the DVD fool you - as it did me.I own the DVD, but it was given to me as a gift. I am graciously pleased that I never actually had to pay for this - I would be very irate.This is very bad on so many levels. Do yourself a favour and go to sleep instead.
bgnvlafilms Being in the film business I am aware of many fine independent low budget movies produced outside of the Hollywood system. "Suicide Blonde" is a little gem of a movie. Recognized as such my mini-major Artisan Pictures, ( Terminator 2, Blair Witch, etc.), as they released in on DVD and VHS in June of this year. If any of the Major Studios had the Cojones to place this film in 3,000 + theaters; it would have, without any doubt, been the suprize hit of the Summer of 2003."SUCIDE BLONDE" ( Played by beautiful Playboy Centerfold "Angel Boris",(she can really act), has the ingredients to become a "Cult Classic". Watch it a few hundred times, you'll find yourself repeating the cool lines with the colorful cartoonish like characters, "The Scorpion", "Skinny Man", "DogBreath", Very Humourous Latin Ganster "Pepo Duran" and his Marx Brother like band of cohorts, the wimperrring "Mr. Lovaglio" and "Achmed The Convenience Store Clerk". Only visuals are necessary as you watch "Bubbles and the dancing girls at the "Busy Beaver". A superbly fun filled action packed burlesque. A very different little film. A very "Unconventional Love Story". Buy this DVD, check out the extra's. especially "Behind The Blonde". Grab some popcorn, M&M's and watch this with a group of upbeat friends and "laugh your ass off".
bigmoneyjohn I saw the world premiere of Suicide Blonde at the world famous Egyptian theater located in downtown Hollywood, CA. The Place was packed I guess at least 1600 people where there. I just happened to be in town and went there as a lark. I was so glad I did. This tiny budget film knocked me out. I swear not one person left their seat until after the closing credits. The movie was a fresh and entertaining take on the gangster pictures that have been around forever. It proves the point that it's not how much money you spend that makes a picture entertaining, but the creativity of the filmmakers and the skill of the actors. I saw in the trades that it will soon be released for sale and rental and I hope people will support this film and show "Hollywood" real movie making is alive and well.But I'll stop sounding like a advertisement for this little picture it does have some rough edges. But in a way that adds to its charm. It's a good flick to watch with your friends over a beer and just enjoy its unusual characters, sexy girls, and funny yet deadly bad guys.