| 24 August 2007 (USA)
Sugarhouse Trailers

Determined to kill his wife's lover, a middle-class accountant attempts to purchase a .38 from an inner-city crackhead, unaware the gun actually belongs to a psychotic drug lord who'd kill to get his weapon back.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tim Kidner Sugarhouse is an uncomfortable watch, with painful, often ugly violence and dialogue that is more often than not shouted. It turns to become, mainly a two-man show with white middle-class, jacket-wearing Steven Mackintosh who ventures into ghetto-land somewhere in decaying urban London to buy back a gun used in a murder and black, crack-addict Ashley Walters.Being far nearer in real life to Mackintosh than Walters (by a far margin!) it wouldn't be right for me, myself to say how realistic the dialogue is, or the scenarios. So, I'm not going to try and pretend to say things like it's 'hip' or 'savvy', but looks and sounds really not very nice.Walters, plus his chums generally give Mackintosh a hard time, over how a privileged a life he has and much angst and verbal ricocheting carries on. When director Gary Love's camera swings back and forth to them, it's an odd duet experience, so chalk and cheese.Andy Serkis has been accused of overacting in Sugarhouse and we certainly get our money's worth from his psychopathic drug-dealer character. We see him at the start, nude, stretching his muscles and revealing his many tattoos. More revealing than is necessary, some critics have said, but it gives us a very clear indication that here we have a shaven-head bully more akin the Hannibal Lecter than Peter Pan.As such, as Hoodwink, he is the colour and propulsion in this film. It would be quite dreary without him and who's to say what is over-the-top? It's of a type of person that thankfully I don't know and hopefully never will. His Irish accent seems pretty good too.The film certainly came under my radar and watching it on BBC2 now, I was surprised that it was made 5 years ago and I'd never heard of it or referred to.
SupeRed09 Sugarhouse is a gritty UK crime thriller set in a very deprived area of London. The plot is based on a middle class man who quickly becomes out of his depth when he tries to buy a gun off a local crack cocaine addict.The actors were extremely well cast with all the characters putting in very believable performances from start to finish. D who is the crack addict owes the local drug dealer a significant amount of money so decides to try and earn the money, by selling the dealers own gun which he has stolen, to a business type white guy who he constantly refers to as "rich man". The dealer is a heavily tattooed well built man with a history of violence and a Northern Irish accent, which adds another level of menace to his already intimidating presence. Naturally he is non too impressed when he finds his weapon missing and sets out to retrieve it.The tense drama unfolds in a very believable and realistic manner and any worries I had of a weak or overly soppy ending were happily unfounded. A very enjoyable watch from the very first minute with a level of grit and reality the Hollywood studios with the big name stars so often struggle to achieve.
bertodecordoba This movie had one of the most brilliant performances I have ever seen by Ashley Walters. Walters gives an amazing portrayal of the conniving and mendacious living that many crack addicts live. Crack is one the most popular and dangerous drugs in society. I think it it is good for people to know the menace that drugs can be to our ill-equipped minds. We were all born with a perfectly insane mind to begin with. Just add crack and BOOM your Walter's character in no time. SPOILER Chippin away in an old broke section of the projects waiting for some dumb punters to show up so that he can lie, cheat, and steal from them. Anything it takes. Even stealing Lahood's gun. Now that is crazy..My mate, SPOILER "LaHood" (Serkis the Berzerkis), went so Richter in his character. He's an animal I tell ya. His little Buddhist prayer can't help him are you kidding. He's off the handle. Well done mate. I am looking forward to many returns from our fine actor who played Gollum's movement and voice. SPOILER Makintosh was pretty damn good as a * as usual. He beats the hell out this stinky * bathroom with a pipe ripped from the wall and scares Mr Crack pretty good. that was pretty nice, yeah. One of my favorite scenes was where Serkis (Gollum from LOR) is snorting some yea and the Techno was playing, he was rocking out with his * out.. Great * scene there Mate.Then after all of the tension and lots of scenes, two worlds come together and they find out that they are not that different from each other. They both have the ability to love. But somebody has to die.I'll watch it again.
dilbertsuperman There are no scenes in this movie- just mainly ONE SET of a warehouse area. That right away tells you this movie has no budget, and a variety of other moments show you this is a shoe-string budget affair and the storytelling suffers as a result.This is the story of a man who meets up with a Jamaican crackhead to try and buy something. Unfortunately several other people want to have that something as well and then the conflict begins. The man's unbelievable continual participation in these follies is supposed to be a sign that he is a man on the edge but it is more of a sign that this plot is unrealistic and idiotic to boot. Anyone else would just turn heel and go home- take their business elsewhere.At various moments during the movie you will be wondering why the man doesn't just go home and cut his losses- this is the failure of the plot. If it was any good we wouldn't be continually groaning - oh god.. just GO HOME! The movie seems like it has some sort of retarded message about how revenge just injures yourself and they are willing to bend the plot in unrealistic directions to try and get that point across.Extremely unsatisfying and not on par with Snatch, Lock stock and two Smoking barrels or trainspotting- don't let anyone fool you into thinking this play on film is worth seeing- it's a piece of boring one-set crap.