Stump The Band
Stump The Band
| 03 March 2006 (USA)
Stump The Band Trailers

Four hot chicks in a punk rock band, while on tour, get lost in the wilds of Wisconsin. There's a guy out there with a very serious foot fetish. He likes to collect them like baseball cards. It's a rock and roll horror adventure with a little bit of comedy mixed in

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Console best movie i've ever seen.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
eecsmilemore I was first introduced to this film at the Hollywood Dv festival. As the movie began I wasn't exactly sure what to expect. I mean at first impression it is a total guy flick with hot girls playing rock music in a band. However, as the movie progressed the plot takes some unexpected twists and turns and I started becoming way more invested in the characters themselves. It got to the point where I knew I had to finish the movie otherwise it would have haunted me not to have known what happened. The story keeps you hooked along with witty and cleaver dialogue throughout which even makes the film humorous at times. It is a film I would definitely see again!
joan-130 Who says a horror movie can't have humor? This one is a tongue in cheek (or foot in box) movie that combines an all girl punk band with a doomed time in the woods. There are some distinct characters that beg cult movie status. The film doesn't just have one bad guy, but can't tell you more without giving away the story. This movie includes independent women's music from all over the country as well as music by Robbie Rist. Like movies with lines you later repeat? Then you'll want to see this one with your friends. Grab a beverage, gather some pals, and be prepared to create your own audience participation Rocky Horror type event. This could be the beginning of a series...
ukuleleal Stump The Band has carved out an interesting niche for itself. The premise of "Stump" is frankly...rude, but the execution is either spot on creepy or tongue in cheek funny. I liked that the film inserted humor without being campy. It's almost as if the film makers wanted to produce a straight up scare fest but naturally stumbled upon some offbeat and wacky bits that wound up improving the whole package.The girrrrl band is great and the women are compelling. This would be a fun act to catch live although I don't recall the band's name. The guys flesh out mostly stock horror film characters but do it with an honest and natural flair. The bad guy is...good, a good bad guy, maybe even a great bad guy. His delivery is as if Hanibal Lecter got in touch with his feminine side. We want more!!! The only real downside is the special effects blood. It's a little brownish.On the other hand, much of the action takes place in broad daylight. The mayhem is easy to see.Stump The Band,... a slasher film with heart.
ndetmer1986 Had a great time just sitting back and pounding popcorn. Watching the silliness of grim/gore and chick/flick combined was fantastic. The homage to the Pythons was the best moment. Go and have fun...bring a friend who can cling to you at all the appropriate spots. The level of acting was on a par with what the market will bear - the advantage here is that the script is actually clever without completely coping to the requirements of the 15 year old male, repeat-visit patron. My group had a party of three - (Male/51, Female/54 and Female/23). Universal response to the humor a plus 10 along with the gore factor coming in loaded with laughs.