Strip Nude for Your Killer
Strip Nude for Your Killer
| 24 August 1975 (USA)
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After a fashion model dies during a botched abortion, the doctor stages her death to exonerate himself but is murdered by a mysterious assailant who soon begins hunting down her agency colleagues.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
jadavix "Strip Nude for Your Killer" is a classic example of an over-sexed giallo, boasting not one but two of the sexiest screen sirens of all time: the mesmerising Edwige Fenech, and the beautiful Femi Benussi. The movie wastes no time in getting both naked - Femi strips in the first few minutes, has a lesbian scene, and even gets offed in the nude!The sense of mystery is not all that prominent, but the movie gets quite suspenseful toward the end as we watch our girl Edwige attempt to outsmart the killer. This is why I rate SNFYK higher than "Case of the Bloody Iris", another entertaining giallo that didn't manage much suspense.The movie is not particularly graphic in the killings themselves, but in the aftermath no detail is spared, and it's almost sickening. Worth it, though, for this wonderfully sleazy and entertaining film, with so much beautiful naked flesh to gawk at. Edwige and Femi aren't even the only ones who get their clothes off.It did leave me wondering, though: why do so many gialli feature outrageously camp gay men who always end up getting killed? It's like the Italian version of "black guy who dies first" in American slashers.
Boba_Fett1138 The title of this movie sounds promising enough. And so does its concept. But the movie just doesn't deliver. It's not an horrible movie but it remains a disappointing one nevertheless.Guess it's a Giallo but it just doesn't feel like a traditional one to me. It takes some wrong approaches and at times this can be a clumsy looking movie. Let's just say that Andrea Bianchi ain't no Dario Argento.And for a movie with the word nude in its title...the movie does has an awful lot of nudity in it! I have seen porn with less nudity and sex than than movie has. Can't really say it always serves its purpose, story-wise, though the movie does luckily feature plenty of beautiful young Italian women in it, so what am I exactly complaining about.But the movie does only really 'shock' with its nudity. Blood, gore and violence is present in this movie but it just never felt as if it was being the movie its main ingredient. It will disappoint the fans of the genre and quite frankly there aren't really ever enough killings in this movie, or perhaps the problem is that there is too much time between them and it all seems to happen very random, without any apparent logic behind them. It also makes the mystery behind whodunit far less interesting.It also makes the movie as a whole just not very interesting to watch. This is also because it features lots of pointless sequences, that let the movie start to drag. It all still could had been good and interesting if some more horror/slasher stuff was going on.It's also weird that the movie its main character isn't always present throughout the movie. It also doesn't help him that he isn't being a very likely person. Just a typical Italian playboy, that looks too old to be still hanging around and fooling around with young beautiful women.Really not the most intriguing or effective Giallo out there. The first shot is still legendary though!5/10
MovieGuy01 I have just watched Strip Nude For Your Killer this evening and i found it to be a very good film it features several good looking young women who are working for this model agency who agree to strip for this photographer. But at the same time there is a murder on the loose who is out to kill as many of the models as possible. there are some very gory moments in the film, and it also features a lot of nudity in many sences as the title says. I found the dubbing of the actors not to bad which is good compared to other films i have seen. I think that Andrea Bianchi is a good director from what i have seen in this film. Good Movie!(Recommended).
Michael_Elliott Strip Nude for Your Killer (1975) *** (out of 4) Ultra sleazy and rather perverted giallo starts off with a woman getting an abortion performed on her but she suffers cardiac arrest and dies. The doctor gets help to place her in the bathtub to make it look like an accident. Soon afterwards the doctor is brutally murdered and then people from the woman's model agency are slashed by a mysterious person in black.STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER has a terrific title and the film itself lives up to it. Director Andrea Bianchi is best known for the insane BURIAL GROUND but this here is a very good entry into the subgenre that fans should really enjoy. It should go without saying but the mystery itself is pretty strong and there's no question that there's enough sleaze here for three movies. It's clear that Bianchi doesn't have a filter in regards to taste because you know when a movie opens with an abortion and it's not the most tasteless thing you're in for a wild ride.I think the sleaze is what really makes this film stand apart. Again, the actual mystery is pretty good but it's the fact that everyone is constantly taking their clothes off that makes this film so memorable. It seems like every female in this movie has to take their clothes off at least once and you're certainly not going to hear me complain about this. The sleaze also continues with the violent as there's your typical stabbings with knives but the last couple murders are extremely graphic and memorable.Nino Castelnuovo and Edwige Fenech are the couple who are trying to solve the case and both of them are good in their roles and certainly help keep things entertaining. Femi Benussi nearly steals the film in her slut role, which has her totally naked the few scenes that she does have. The supporting players are all nice as well. As you'd expect from a giallo, the 2.35:1 cinematography is good as is the music score that sets the perfect setting.If you're a fan of giallos then STRIP NUDE FOR YOUR KILLER is certainly at the top of the genre.