Strange Hearts
Strange Hearts
R | 23 October 2002 (USA)
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An aging former child star tries to capture the wealth that has always eluded him by latching on to a lucky man while both have their eye on the same girl of their dreams.

Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
J_L_E_H_A I think this is a great film because of the great story. It's about this girl Moira, who's a stripper. She's really insecure, and Jack, the old guy next door, helps her when she has a hard time. He first met her outside a hospital, and he felt bad for her and picked her up. Since then he's always been there for her, and suddenly he falls in love with her, but what he doesn't know is that she has feelings for him to. to make the film even more complicated, she doesn't know that he loves her, and henry, a better looking and much younger guy than jack, falls deeply in love with Moira. He gets her a job and they have a great time together. he asks her to marry him, and she doesn't know what to do ,cause her dream is to get to Mexico...
George Parker "Road to Riches" is a lightly romantic dramedy about a down-on-his-luck middle aged professional game show contestant (Forster) who harbors affection for a beautiful stripper (McGowan) and befriends a fresh-faced naive young interloper from Texas (Pardue) - a sort of poor man's Joe Buck (Midnight Cowboy) - until both men find themselves competing for the same woman. A B-flick at best, this little indie is rough around the edges showing signs of low budgetness and a lack of attention to detail with plot parts which don't dovetail well. However, when all is said and done, the film's good naturedness, poignant crescendo, and feel good conclusion make it a worthwhile watch for the couch potato in the mood for some casual small screen entertainment. (C+)
vhsiv ***Slight Spoilers Below*** I caught this film almost by accident this morning on cable, in just about the last place I'd expect to find it: HBO.This film is an easy match for anyone who enjoys any of Paul Thomas Anderson's early films, as it revisits some of the territory of 'Hard Eight' and Lodge Kerrigan's 'Claire Dolan'. Sorry, no Gwyneth Paltrow-as-a-hooker here, but this film explores a sort of strange, alternate universe at the center of our fickle, ADD American culture.The inimitable Robert Forster stars here as a sort of con-man (Jack), living off of the fringes of televised Game Shows and other short cons. He lives in a 'resident motel', as he works toward a big payoff scheme, his 'Rat in a Can'. I won't describe it here - you'll just have to see it for yourself.In any case, this film charts the Forster character's search for luck - if not a payoff - such that he and the Rose McGowan character (Moira, an 'exotic' dancer) can escape L.A. to retire in Mexico.Into this stalled romance-cum-caper stumbles Henry (Kip Pardue), who seems to have all of the luck that Jack lost, when his career as a child-actor went belly-up. Just let it be said that opportunities open up for Henry, and Jack tries and fails to exploit them.But the 'plot' here, while it is amusing, is not the thing to study - rather, it's the characters: They're not wacky, not over-the-top, not for people who'd just as soon be watching 'Friends'. Rather, these characters are on a voyage to discover their own 'centers' rather than try to rig other games and schemes to support themselves.Definitely worth a look, especially for fans of independent films. 6/10.
critic_king Strange Hearts is probably one of the biggest film surprises I've had all year, it's a very well-done little independent film that deserves much more then a straight-to-dvd release. The story revolves around Jack, a down-trodden middle-aged man who's best friends with a mysterious and very disturbed young woman called Moira. Their friendship is stretched when a young man, called Henry, enters their lives. Henry, a strangely lucky guy, "steals" Moira away from Jack, unaware of her emotional fragilities and disturbing past, forcing Jack, who treasures Moira more then anything AND who you start feeling very sorry for by now, to put his luck to the test and gamble on everything he has.The entire cast is exceptional. Robert Foster's renowned charisma shines through in many ways, and Kip Pardue is very hateable as the cocky Henry. Rose McGowan (who I've become very interested in since seeing this movie) is probably the stand-out of the film, utilising her interesting role to the very hilt and stealing every scene she is in. First-time director and screen writer Michelle Gallagher delivers a powerful punch on her debut, and I look forward to seeing what she has to offer in the future.Overall Strange Hearts is a thoroughly enjoyable drama, that really makes us think about how much of a big part friendship, trust and loyalty play in all our lives. A definite 3/4.