Straight Into Darkness
Straight Into Darkness
| 01 January 2004 (USA)
Straight Into Darkness Trailers

The movie encompasses several different elements-the perils of war, a touch of macabre, sadness and redemption.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
merklekranz After a superior opening sequence in the minefield, the film winds down, with much walking and talking. It then picks up again when the battle begins between the orphan army and the Nazis. At this point the movie really has nowhere to go. Obviously the rag tag children are not going to defeat the Germans and their tank. Unfortunately the battle sequences are not always credible, and seem stretched to the maximum. I think that the initial idea of the two deserters could have been further developed, rather than boxing everything into a conclusion that is rather unlikely and therefore somewhat unsatisfying................. - MERK
osvaldobneto This movie is such a mesmerizing and impressive experience that you won't regret to do. Beautifully shot on Romania with strong acting by a cast that includes Ryan Francis, Scott McDonald (JACK FROST!), Linda Thorson and David Warner. Probably, STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS is Jeff Burr's masterpiece. It have flaws, like some obvious dubbing for the German characters, played by romanian actors. But none of them diminishes the valour of this great movie, that also benefits from a original and powerful script, not to mention the haunting, beautiful musical score. STRAIGHT INTO DARKNESS have a sincere, thought provoking anti-war message and manages to be more than just a movie. Knowing that the kids casted on it were real life orphans only made the experience more human and emotional. War and general movie fans, be sure to don't miss!
dkosowski Okey, i feel i have to write a review about this film, so anyone else wont use 90 minutes of they're lives on it. This is actually the first review I've ever written. I just feel i have to do it.. I have seen a lots of films, and I've got a decent collection of DVD's. Anyways, this film is now in my top 3 worst films I've ever seen. I don't even know where to start? The acting is so bad it actually made me and my mate laugh a couple of times. The story is just boring. The only thing that made me see the whole movie, was the hopes of seeing a girl take off a face mask. Now, this might be a movie you have to see several times to get it. But trust me, I'm not going to do that. Id rather sit and watch paint dry. By the way, did i mention that this film is horrible?Conclusion: PLEASE, don't see this movie!
fertilecelluloid From Jeff Burr, the director of the chilling horror anthology, "From A Whisper To A Scream", comes this highly original, sometimes surreal genre hybrid that mixes horror, magic realism, and bloody war themes. Set at the end of WW2, two deserters (Ryan Francis and Scott MacDonald), both traversing very different roads to hell, are captured inside a fortress by a band of orphaned children who have been schooled in the ways of survival by the crusty David Warner. When German soldiers attempt to penetrate their home, the deserters overcome their cowardice by engaging the enemy in a brutal firefight and executing a plan to save the children. A simple synopsis does not convey the cinematic joys of this stylish, emotionally wrenching movie. Shot in Romania and directed with considerable skill by an American, it feels entirely European and shares similarities with the Russian war masterpiece, "Come and See". In terms of tone and visual presentation, I was also reminded of Michael Mann's flawed but atmospheric, "The Keep". The score and sound work are brilliant, as are all the performances. Burr cast real orphans -- some scarred, one without legs -- to play the on-screen orphans, a strategy that pays off in spades. The screenplay, which deftly explores identity and the concept of belonging, is spare and taut. Like the best movies and like life itself, "Straight Into Darkness" is not one thing; it is many.