R | 20 January 2005 (USA)
Storm Trailers

DD is a smug fellow, almost 30 years of age, who can manage all by himself. At least that's what he thinks. However, a strange woman - Lova - enters his life, hunted by evil men who want to hurt her. Against his will, DD is forced into a series of horrific events.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
noac-navertun-1 Anyone who really dislikes Swedish movies should really see this movie, especially if you are from Sweden. It really stands out as one of those films that shows our potential. We can make other sorts of films than those that are corny, depicting of Swedish scenery and habits, police movies, and migration movies that deal with racism.Bcos what you actually expect when you see a Swedish film is some sort of story about love and family and at least one penis shot. Storm really breaks your expectations without becoming a bad Hollywood alike-make of some tacky action movie - we make a lot of those also (e.g. livvakterna, tredje vågen).Treat your self to something unexpected and non-typical Swedish. 7 out of 10 is on a international scale, 10/10 if it is compared to other Swedish films.
Landscape The first scenes are really tough and you'll think it's the centerpiece of the Movie because it is followed by the opening credits. It's not the last time you'll be wrong - the story is complex, but it's not too hard to follow its twists.In the beginning Storm is a very expensive looking SciFi-Thriller, interrupted by scenes of party-goers with their superficial chitchat talks, reforms into a superhero saga, makes the turn to some Silent-Hill-Looking countryside childhood drama and so on.But don't mind: it is not nonsense, it is a story leading back to some childhood experiences, and there has never been a more cumbersomely but entertaining way of getting to the point.And I liked very much the tough Eva Röse and the weak Eric Ericson, the usual role models exchanged, running through this set of graphic novels.
pw_2 My favorite film of the year so far. Bjorn Stein and Mans Marlind are terrific new filmmakers. The overall look of STORM is incredible, and that is with a budget of under $3 million. Can you imagine what they could do with a budget of an American studio movie? I looked up their 'films in production', and saw that they are currently shooting another film called Vilnius, with a budget of around $7 million. I'm ecstatic to see what Mans & Bjorn can do with a higher budget. STORM is a Matrix-type's unique, it looks great, and is extremely intelligent. STORM will have a very wide appeal, and I am recommending it to everyone I know. Keep an eye on these filmmakers.
o-falk Don't get me wrong. This is an important film (for Sweden especially as it's so rare to see a Swedish sci-fi that actually lives up to it's title) and the visual style takes influences from a bunch of ground-braking classics; OldBoy, Fight Club, Se7en, The Terminator, 28 Days Later and many more (though these references feel more like homages rather than bad rip-offs and so it just goes to show that the film was made by people who really just like movies in general). Anyway, on with the show. The film follows DD - a hip guy hanging with all the right people and living the trendy life of a Stockholm-journalist - who suddenly has his path crossed by Lova, who seems more like a superhero than an actual Swedish girl (and yeah, I know what Swedish girls look like in general). She disappears as fast as she arrived and DD goes home to his bachelor pad.Later on she shows up at his door, giving him an address to visit if things start to go bad. And eventually, they do (of course). When trying to find Lova again he comes across a strange box and is forced to flee the scene of a shoot-out. Now, on the run from the cops, and also from the people originally chasing Lova, he must figure out the secret of the box and manage to open it before it's to late. This was an interesting plot to say the least and I really enjoyed the work that these directors did in the past. Unfortunetely, the wonderful visual styles used here don't quite make up for the fact that the story ends up with too many loose ends. It could have been a brilliant film but, in the end, the final answer to what's happened during this hour-and-a-half (or whatever) just leave a whirlwind of new questions stirred up in the backwaters of the credits.Sorry guys, I really wanted this to work as something more than just eye-candy :(